Bug in or bug out

Homes and Retreats

Re: Bug in or bug out

Post by MrPickles »

We (me and my wife) will bug in but we have a bug out place if it is necessary.

Re: Bug in or bug out

Post by Accidentman »

Accidentman - have you ID's a shelter? RU stocking there? If it is outside, how RU stocking (and protecting) your stores there?[/quote]

To be honest, you are right about there being almost no where to go safely and the need for supplies. Sadly, like everyone else I guess, I have no where to go, hence my post on numbers and retail outlets that may be worth taking over in a real shtf situation.

Currently I am studying how to make shelters, how to hunt (also buying the relevant items and practising how to use them), how to make fire, cook in the wild, prepare animals for food, the full nine yards really.

Also, and most importantly to me, I am looking for places that are likely to be empty at the first sign of trouble (people will leave to be with their loved ones), such as council run buildings and empty properties (hope other people have better ideas).

As things stand, if the shtf I will be in a brick built building that is currently empty (has been for 4 years now) less than a mile from my home and I will have all I need, except food, hence the hunting bit I mentioned.

If it helps, the building has room for about 10 people and is very secure..
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Joined: Fri Jun 22, 2012 4:20 pm

Re: Bug in or bug out

Post by Arzosah »

Accidentman, people have also discussed schools, churches and National Trust castles in various threads on here ...

Re: Bug in or bug out

Post by skippy »

The most important thing to have is a destination . To plan to bug out to the hills and live the life of a hermit using your suddenly miraculously aquired bushcraft skills is fantasy.
Try that in winter and you are likely to be dead in two weeks. You are not Rae Mears!
Have a destination planned. Have your route to that destination planned. Practice getting there and If you can .... practice staying there.
Shelter is an absolute must and without adequate shelter and warmth you will be in big trouble quickly.
Plan accordingly

james c

Re: Bug in or bug out

Post by james c »

I live on the outskirts of a large town, me and my family will be bugging in for as long as possible, but we do have a bug out place to go to,but its outside a city My bug out place has 14 acres of woods 2 streams and a small bit of pasture land, it is secluded it has wild game in it.Im allowed a wooden structure on it as i let the kids run loose on it at week end.I cant put a solid structure on it,but i have been given permission to put a structure underground after years of legal arguments,so ive spent the last two years hand digging a place for two 40ft containers to be placed into it. Ive done the base, just need to put walls in and back fill it and put roof on and camaflage it.Im also researching wild food to be planted and other edible food that will survive in the wild. i have a small lock-up near by with all my provisions and tools in it so its will be easy to move at first sign of trouble, hopfully i should be finished in the next 18month.

Re: Bug in or bug out

Post by sniperben »

Hi All,

Interesting post and some interesting answers. I do feel for everyone who is talking of going it alone, I admittedly do feel a little overwhelmed with the responsibility of keeping my Gf safe/fed and healthy (unfortunately she has ZERO bushcraft/prepping skills but can shoot a bow...which is a start) when you really think of what dangers lie out there. Its comforting to imagine all the criminal chav-like people dying out in the first winter but i fear they shall be quite hardy and they could be the least of our worries...

I had a discussion with some people in my old unit who are the worst bunch of scoundrels i have ever met! they are Infantry soldiers who pretty much plan to BO with armoured vehicles and as much rations/ammo and fuel as they can take and form an armoured battlegroup that will plunder everything in their wake!! it makes me wonder what would happen to all the other army units if discipline would break down over night? i certainly would make myself scarce or hide if i heard armoured vehicles approaching my BI place and probably would consider a temporary BO to an isolated location until such people had passed.

Regarding myself i am male, mid 30's, no kids 1 x Gf and i am planning on BI initially...problem is i live in a large urban area of much 'diversity' that already wanders around in large gangs already, come an 'event' i could see these gangs pretty much capitalising on the situation and becoming much feared groups of raiders...until time/starvation/weather/exodus and whatever factor takes its toll....i am prepped to BI for as long as possible (hopefully quietly and discreetly too) but i have set up a cache system and made myself familiar with the large wooded area's around here. BO is a pretty intimidating option especially (as some one mentioned) during winter. The forested areas near here are full of game which can be hunted (if you are good at placing snares, bow or rifle hunting ect) but even with half decent fieldcraft i still only see that as a supplement to cached food.
Good to hear some people are looking at the underground containers and such (lucky you!) i wish i had a piece of land or knew somewhere i could do the same. I shall most likely end up nomadic in my own area (until cache food runs out in 24 months or so) then i shall hopefully and 'naturally' find myself more used to snaring/hunting/foraging and finding.

I think eventually i would BO and i would look to attach myself to a small group/individuals just for more eyes/ears and skill sets.

Re: Bug in or bug out

Post by Dr_zoidberg »

sniperben wrote:I had a discussion with some people in my old unit who are the worst bunch of scoundrels i have ever met! they are Infantry soldiers who pretty much plan to BO with armoured vehicles and as much rations/ammo and fuel as they can take and form an armoured battlegroup that will plunder everything in their wake!! it makes me wonder what would happen to all the other army units if discipline would break down over night? i certainly would make myself scarce or hide if i heard armoured vehicles approaching my BI place and probably would consider a temporary BO to an isolated location until such people had passed.
I don't think a lot of people have considered this.

That's why I plan to hide (small underground hidey hole if possible) in an area infested with chavs and easier targets. What's left of the army will go on a spree of murder, rape and pillage and probably cannibalism if the food supply becomes scarce. Similar to what the red army did in Nazi Germany at the end of the war. Its not surprising really. Humans were for most of our 200,000+ years existence, pack hunters. We've only been farmers for about 10,00 years. We live day to day in an non-natural state. Then people get all surprised when people do what they judge as horrendously evil acts and behave like wild animals.

Having said all that. I wouldn't be to scared of armoured vehicles. Their not the smartest thing to bug out in. Slow, mechanically unreliable, easy to get bogged down in. Vulnerable to IED's. If i was going to bug out I wouldn't mind some of those WMIK landrovers, heavily armed and mobile across rough terrain.

The main concern I have about bugging in, is if the army simply decide to use artillery on urban areas with a high population of chavs and other ne'er-do-wells or chemical weapons if they decide they don't have enough people to deal with the infestation conventionally... :tinfoil

Re: Bug in or bug out

Post by Reservior »

Well, I've often considered disbanded groups of the Armed Forces to be potential threat. Circumstances depending, they are the section of the population with the greatest access to advantageous equipment.

As to bugging out. I think it depends exactly how people view it. If you are contemplating a bug out ITSHTF then I would question that persons judgement. To do so, unless you had an established 'retreat' with everything you need, would be reckless IMHO. I do not want to try and live a nomadic lifestyle in the UK. Would be happy to have a go in the summer months, but, come winter, count me out! I dont mind a night or two cold weather camping but there isn't a huge amount out there to forage in this country, in the winter.

Things would have to get pretty bad for me to consider bugging out.

Having said that, would I consider a temporary bug out? Yes, of course. If we were threatened by flooding or other short-term disaster I would bug out to a safe distance, temporarily. That's what I always considered our bug out bags to be for?

Re: Bug in or bug out

Post by sniperben »

Ref Dr Zoidberg- "I wouldn't be to scared of armoured vehicles. Their not the smartest thing to bug out in. Slow, mechanically unreliable, easy to get bogged down in. Vulnerable to IED's. If i was going to bug out I wouldn't mind some of those WMIK landrovers, heavily armed and mobile across rough terrain."

AFV510 Warriors are fast, reliable and are pretty impossible to get bogged down and i am not sure about the availability of IED's to a humble prepper group holed up in a farm or something. I think there would be a real cross section of vehicles (i had a quad ATV when i was in Snipers and they still use them as part of a battlegroups ISTAR asset and i would be more than happy to bug out on one of those) I am pretty sure, regardless of the capbadge, there would be some sort of effective fighting/raiding unit coming out of every battalion and i am not ashamed to admit it that i would be scared if i was in a good group that had a secure location, that had fought off chav-like 'small time' raiders and protected itself only to hear of such a unit coming. In that scenario i think i would need to bug out to the flank and stay low! even seeing 1x guy in military kit on a clearly military ATV would set off alarm bells! as he could simply be the recce/sniper element providing the eyes and ears for the main body.

I heartily agree with your policy of staying low and hidden Dr.Z. especially near urban areas (which would naturally draw an 'ex' military unit in for chances of easy plunder) or anywhere which a rogue battlegroup might go. Luckily i am pretty much smack bang in the middle of the country and nowhere near any garrisons so i think i would not see any of those scallywags for a while...hopefully!

pretty worrying really when i think of it. hahaha i guess i need to be in a group that can organise defense and be able to shoot...and shoot well!
Rogue Tactical

Re: Bug in or bug out

Post by Rogue Tactical »

I think bugging out In the uk would be very difficult due to population density. Also acting alone is also not a long term option. I have a group of like minded friend so we have location options also if things got really bad and law and order broke down completely we would look to take over a farm and fortify as buying a second property in the uk for most would be a pipe dream