Your garden.

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Re: Your garden.

Post by icrcc »

Good point Bulldogeagle. If I had to survive on the produce of my garden alone this year I would be in trouble. Just a terrible year here for the garden some veggies grew others didn't and my potatoes crop was half of what it was last year. I know that you can have good years and bad years with a garden but this year was really bad. Luckily there have been some good sales in the supermarket so I have been able to keep stocks up that way.
It may never happen. Best to be prepared just in case.

Re: Your garden.

Post by bulldogeagle »

one of the first things i learnt when i started was "the rule of 3", read it on some American site long before i knew there were any British ones! and has stayed with me ever since. This season has been bad all over, the States had the drought, we had all the rain, we know farmers who have cut and baled the hay and loaded it on the trailer but cant get it out of the field cos its so wet the tractor cant get in. our Squash crop failed this year, normally we grow enough to last us all winter, this year we only managed to grow ONE the rest just rotted as it grew.
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Re: Your garden.

Post by Glydr »

I got a few potatoes growing, thats about it, and some earthworms and woodlice.

Re: Your garden.

Post by preppingsu »

Carrots harvested and in the freezer.
Still have in the garden 2 types of lil's favourite food ...........KALE :D , Brussels sprouts, parsnips.
Overall though very poor this year.

Planning to have some cold frames and mini poly tunnels next year.
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Re: Your garden.

Post by junmist »

Lil, Maddie there is a pudding called dock pudding which uses nettles as well :D got to say that it does not look appetising :( but if you were hungry.
I would have staved if I had to rely on the veg patch this year :o
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Re: Your garden.

Post by The Ace of Spades »

Glydr wrote:I got a few potatoes growing, thats about it, and some earthworms and woodlice.
Yeah, but enough about what's growing out of your earholes, what's in your garden? :lol:

(It's OK, I can say that, Glydr is a friend of mine. Sorry, mate, couldn't help it.)

Ace. :)
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Re: Your garden.

Post by jansman »

bulldogeagle wrote:one of the first things i learnt when i started was "the rule of 3", read it on some American site long before i knew there were any British ones! and has stayed with me ever since. This season has been bad all over, the States had the drought, we had all the rain, we know farmers who have cut and baled the hay and loaded it on the trailer but cant get it out of the field cos its so wet the tractor cant get in. our Squash crop failed this year, normally we grow enough to last us all winter, this year we only managed to grow ONE the rest just rotted as it grew.
My Winter squash was EXACTLY like yours. I too, follw the rule of three. Ragnar Benson.
I could not and would not suggest you could survive directly from what your garden produces. If there were supply problems the garden would supplement stored foods. A very good situation to be in I think.
Yesterday I spent the day tidying my plot and today I am putting up a small poly tunnel. Next season WILL be different! :D
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Re: Your garden.

Post by diamond lil »

My husband says they aren't easy things to build and I can't imagine one surviving the winds up here. :evil: I wish.
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Re: Your garden.

Post by jansman »

No they are not the easiest. I have put a couple up before, and fortunately it is going in a sheltered spot.
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

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Re: Your garden.

Post by Annana »

We've currently got loads of kale, some turnips, jerusalem artichokes, mustard greens and pak choi. The spinach has yet to make an appearance and the pigeons got my cabbages. But there is also a lot of wild watercress around here which seems to be around in the winter. Next year I'll put more effort into growing veg.