prepping medication - then they change it!

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Re: prepping medication - then they change it!

Post by Arzosah »

Hiya, I've just re-read my earlier post further up the thread, sorry if I offended too, certainly didn't mean to imply that the medication *you* were dealing with was out of date. I think you're doing a really good thing.

Re: prepping medication - then they change it!

Post by Cairistìona »

Thank you Arzosah. However I didn't find anything you posted offensive.

I quoted the person my last comment was directed at.

Re: prepping medication - then they change it!

Post by bhakta »

Cairistiona ,

I in no way meant to cause you distress, I was just pointing out some of the problems of sending expired or NON expired drugs to a low income country often outweigh the benefit. As I explained most have to be destroyed or end up costing locals import duty / bribes at customs.

This has nothing to do with how to prep for chronic disease meds in the developed world which I know is a very difficult issue.

Having worked for many years in developing countries I appreciate that chronic disease management without a reliable cheap source of the correct medication renders people destitute, disabled & worse. I watched many patients die for lack of simple timely treatments. Thats one reason why I went to try and help.

There are many effective ways to help people with chronic diseases in low income countries. You must make your own decision and I am not criticising you if you do send the meds, just be aware of the potential problems.

I hope you manage to find a solution to your own medication problem.

Re: prepping medication - then they change it!

Post by Cairistìona »



Infuriated and annoyed me at the thought of burning all those AED's that if the roles were reversed, I would be grateful for. As i said any time with control would be better than none at all.

You claim to have an understanding of prepping for a chronic medical condition. Whilst I appreciate you have a greater understanding of overseas aid than I ever will, I dont think there is anyone who has a chronic condition who would consider destroying drugs when they could help someone like them.

Re: prepping medication - then they change it!

Post by bhakta »


I regret I gave the impression that I know about preps for chronic disease when SHTF in our context. I don't have answers.

I did share responsibility for the health of 10s of thousands of very poor people in the middle of a civil war and learned some lessons from that experience.

Individual acts of kindness like the one you are planning are worth a great deal in such circumstances, for lasting impact more organised action is required.
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Re: prepping medication - then they change it!

Post by itsybitsy »

Cairistìona wrote:Thanks Diamond Lil. All these meds are in date.

Thanks for the advice everyone.

This tells you what can and can't be donated: ... be-donated
Carpe Diem

Re: prepping medication - then they change it!

Post by Carpe Diem »

Cairistìona wrote:Dont know if anyone else has ever been in this situation. I have a good stock of one of my epilepsy meds, the other I never prepped as enthusiastically with. I wasn't on it as long and it wasn't really working out; however some things get to be habit forming :lol: and I do have a small supply of medication I am now now longer on.
Ah, more than one prescriptions worth...If you understand me.

I know things are awful for people with my condition in Greece and although it isnt that much it could help someone as it is a commonly prescribed AED it just didn't work for me.
Dont suppose anyone here knows how you could help/an organisation that takes medications that are unwanted to help people in distress? Ive tried the internet :roll:

To be honest, from a selfish point of view I get on with my Doctor and my Pharmacist I taught both of their kids but I still dont fancy walking in with a supply of drugs that officially I'm not supposed to have stored away.

Thanks for any help.
Hi I am new to the prepping scene to be honest one of the biggest things that put down a bit was a long term health problem, I mean keeping it in check. I also have epilepsy and want to know how where you able to build up a stock pile of meds? did you manage to find a reputable online pharmacy? use both an nhs perscription then get a private script ? travel out of the country on a "city break" to stock up a months supply or two? Look I really need help finding out how to stock pile my meds I don't want to get in a situation where I could have done something about it and didn't. Any advice would be great, thanks I hope to hear from you soon and to the other bloke who said whats a month of control worth mate its worth alot, for peace of mind.
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Re: prepping medication - then they change it!

Post by Arzosah »

Hello Carpe Diem, welcome to the forum.

I'm just an ordinary member, not a mod, but can I suggest you post something into the Introductions part of the forum, in your own thread, to give yourself a wider audience as well?
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Re: prepping medication - then they change it!

Post by moonkelpie »

The way I managed to build up a small store of medication for my asthma was by asking for extra to keep at a relatives house for emergencies, and just putting in my repeat prescription a week or so early then eventually I would have a few extra packets.
I have also told the doc that I 'lost' a few prescriptions so he gave me more.
I have quite a substantial wee stash now, incase the SHTF.