Hi all. I've been into prepping since the 1960s. Both I and my wife are active preppers, each with our own skillsets, that differ in some areas but that we think complement each other nicely. We believe in general prepping that deals with a wide variety of scenarios, but with some specialist preps for things we consider it wise to cover but that require additional skills and gear outside the general stuff. We also believe in prepping to sustain not just life but a reasonable standard of living, since morale is important to survival and, while the ability to adapt quickly is important, anything that you can do that eases the transition helps to reduce its shock factor and improves your chances. I've been around the UK and other forums but this one is new to me. I hope to find, and where I can offer, useful information and ideas.
Re: Scotspreps
Welcome scotspreps, good to have you here, look forward to chating, and maybe the wife will sign up too, we could do with some more ladies!
Re: Scotspreps
Ooh hello and you are both most welcome, after losing our beloved Almach from Alba, we are relying on Lil to provide a Celtic perspective, now you two can help out.
Re: Scotspreps
Welcome to the forum, another celtic cousin, or would that be gaelic?! Enjoy the forum, I look forward to hearing more experience added to the tomes of information we are continually gathering