What Preps are you doing this week

How are you preparing
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by nickdutch »

My most recent alcohol "mash" has finished fermenting, got it a little over 8%. have just put the wine finings into the 25 L bucket and am waiting for it to clear prior distilling this weekend so that i will have about 2L of bioethanol for spare cook fuel or heating if there is a power cut in December.

Then I will get more sugar in and get more made up so that I will have a further 3 L (hopefully) before midwinter when I expect to possibly need it.

If I make enough I might just have an indoor fire for recreational purposes. i like setting fire to things.

I still have the high volatiles from previous distillations (the Methanol and similar nasties) put aside for cook fuel in case of problems.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by SooBee »

A chap of my brother's ilk I see!
He spent several happy years as a child trying to set fire to a solid concrete and steel cricket pavilion.
I hope your house is built in the same style!

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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Arzosah »

I got a bit restless one night, and ended up re-arranging the kitchen at midnight. It looks nicer, there's more space, I've stored some preps rather than stacking stuff on the floor by the door, I've even *found* stuff that had disappeared into the pantry because I'd said "ooh, I must put that away properly next week".

And my lists of where stuff is worked! I'm packing for a train journey, and thought, with the way things are, I want those space blankets I bought. Found 'em!

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Reservior »

Sand bags arrived but havnt seen a glimpse of rain for 2 days :roll: hopefully I've now jinxed the weather :lol:

Following on from my curry thread we are now using more coconut milk so I ordered 3 cases from the grocery section of Amazon, decent price and free delivery. Incase anyone is interested, one of the cases was a case of 15, 165ml cans. I added that case for use when camping on my own etc but it might be useful for anyone who lives on their own etc.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Moony »

Just got 15 x 1oz silver coins to complement my more traditional bank savings account. Paid an average of £23.37, which is almost exactly 10% above the value of the metal content, so that's not a bad mark up IMO. I wouldn't use precious metals to replace all my 'normal' savings, but I do like a bit of variation so that all my eggs aren't in one basket.
I'm in Area 7 !
Le Mouse

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Le Mouse »

Have been doing some preps for my Mum - whether she likes it or not! I'm off home for the day this morning (in fact leaving imminently) and taking with me a spectacle fixing kit, 3 packs of Immunace (she gets poorly easily and has had pneumonia 3 times), a Poundland headtorch plus batteries, and when I get there I'm going to get her a room thermometer and a hot water bottle. Oh and she's getting yet another crash course on how to use her (very simple) mobile phone. She knows how to answer calls and that's it!

For me, I've gone a bit soup crazy, buying up tins on offer and making loads of my own too. I have some Immunace coming in the post as well. Thanks Attack Warning Red for the heads up on that! :mrgreen:
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by nickdutch »

My distillation run went BRILLIANTLY. I only expected to get 4 x 1/2 L jars, but I got 7 and 1/2 jars between 85% and 90% which means that I can have the warmth that I need, when I need it if the power goes out.
reperio a solutio
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Area 2 = Hampshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Bucks

What Preps are you doing this week

Post by The-Great-Nothing »

Hi nick

Sounds good. Just wondering how you measure the alcohol level?

And what kind of heater/burner you use it in


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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by pseudonym »

Hit Go Outdoors, b&m's and Makro's today with a mate.

Stocked up on:

Trangia cookset parts, kettle and folding spoon.

48 dehydrated Mushroom soups.

2 RAC Wind up torches.

80 sachets 3 in 1 coffee.

Kindling for my Lavvu Stove.

Catering size chilli flakes, garlic powder, coriander, cumin, paprika, tumeric and garam masarla.

Catering size Tabasco, Soy and Worchestershire Sauces.

100 x 4 hr tealights for my UCO candle.

No change from a ton :o :o :o but stocked up for a few months. :lol: :lol:
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week


Got myself a nice little stock of meds when I was in the US, lots of aspirin, ibuprofen, advil, gause and bandages. Also got a nice BoB, just need to sort out some stuff to put in it now.