Hello from Wales

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Hello from Wales

Post by FelisCatus »

Hi everyone, I'm 22 years old, recently graduated from university, from Wales and have been worried about the economy for a long time but am only just beginning to be pro-active in terms of prepping. My degree course was BA German & Politics, which I realise is going to be useless should SHTF. I am tempted to go back and do another degree in a hard science or do a course in carpentry/engineering/electrics just so that I'd have skills that I could use to barter if money becomes valueless. The way the economy is going, I am thinking of leaving the UK to go to Germany as the Germans seem to have better industries than the Brits do - they have many more factories and farms, whereas the UK seems to rely almost solely on the tertiary industry. Plus, they have better railways and renewable energy sources so they'd fare better once oil becomes too expensive.

At the moment, I am getting together some 'absolute essentials' - things that I know people are going to panic-buy during a state of emergency. I am also beginning to hoard things like soap, candles, matches, over-the-counter medication, etc which I know would quickly become rare in the times of real hardship, so I could barter those (I'm starting to research investing in gold too). I also want to learn to grow my own food and some more survival skills, but am at a bit of a loss as to where to start.

Being only 22, I am extremely worried about my own future and suffer quite badly from anxiety.
Posts: 15
Joined: Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:34 am
Location: South Wales

Re: Hello from Wales

Post by SuperDude »

hello feliscatus

your not on your own. i also get axious about the economy. based on if ghere is no economy the supermarkets pack up and shut down. leaving us fighting over whats left.

the important thing to remeber is that you are not on your own and to bounce ideas and thoughts of other members. sometimes it just allows you to see a fresh perspective and realise you are in control of your own future.
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Re: Hello from Wales

Post by tigs »

hello and welcome to the forum
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Re: Hello from Wales

Post by Welsh_Guy »

Hello & welcome

Re: Hello from Wales

Post by CardiffGuy »


Welcome to the forum FelisCatus.
