First prep today

How are you preparing
short circuit

Re: First prep today

Post by short circuit »

Only thing with the discount shop is the stuffs way out of date on anything cheap 8 months sometimes are you sure the foods ok? home brand food like asdas smart price beans about 18p a can so thats ten for £1.80p packet noodles about 15p ten for £1.50p loads of real cheap food but the best part is used by dates 2015...£20 on them type of things and your cupboards full and in date no worring about out and in dates for a while.
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Re: First prep today

Post by poppypiesdad »

Sorry but theres loads of stuff with crap or already out of date stuff shocking really ,is that why its cheap short dates ? out of date ofd longest date ive found , but only 18 months

Be Prepared.
Plan like its the last loaf on the shop shelves.
Plan like its the last beer in the fridge.
short circuit

Re: First prep today

Post by short circuit »

seems so I looked rather a long time there last night and did not know it was out of date stock untill i hovered over an image, I shall carry on with my cheap brands from my local asdas better than getting the trots later on if something is off
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Re: First prep today

Post by Magenta16v »

The first can I brought for prepping was soup
I even wrote the date on it and put " my first prepping can " lol
And I still have it
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Re: First prep today

Post by poppypiesdad »

Magenta16v wrote:The first can I brought for prepping was soup
I even wrote the date on it and put " my first prepping can " lol
And I still have it

When was it and is it cream of chicken ?

Be Prepared.
Plan like its the last loaf on the shop shelves.
Plan like its the last beer in the fridge.

Re: First prep today

Post by TomW »

Well done on getting started! Something is better than nothing!

I echo the comments earlier about not buying kit. At least not yet. No point having fancy gadgets if all you need is a can of beans. That said, prep for what YOU think might happen and what concerns YOU. Do research on that topic from every source you can find and go with your gut. You might be wrong but if your ready for teotwawki, the banks being closed or your pay beong delayed will be a breeze ;)

As for food date labelling - use by, best before, display until, all mean different things. They're also not set in stone. Plenty of info out there so I shan't repeat it here ;)

Re: First prep today

Post by st3vi3 »

Nice I had same idea to went mad on spaghetti (50p) got 6 of them and 2 bags of pasta 2.5kg I think each £2.00 on clearence. I love pasta thou so had to haha. Buy what I eat and look for clearence and deals. Nice to know now its there if needed... Just keep adding to it now each time I shop

Keep up good work dont forget water very important, water gets cut off then what??
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Re: First prep today

Post by nickdutch »

If you are careful a branch of B+M, 99p Stores, Tescos (yes even tescos) and the Co-Op can be cheaper than approved foods.

Think about it.
Tescos do potatoes for £0.16 at todays prices. Buy 100 tins of potatoes and pay for it online, pay the extra 4 or 5 pounds for delivery and you have a cost of £20 or £21 for a total of

!!! 100 TINS OF POTATOES !!! and delivered to your door. Thats £0.20 or £0.21 per tin including delivery.

Is that a better deal than approved foods?
reperio a solutio
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short circuit

Re: First prep today

Post by short circuit »

I like tinned food for that reason no water to add and at a push most you could eat cold and get some liquid intake, dryed is more for bugging out or corner packers on your shelfs

Re: First prep today

Post by mogs »

Well done,

took my first steps too - I bought extra rice and oats, also treated myself to a dehydrator and some mylar bags :D