What Preps are you doing this week

How are you preparing
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by cheshirekat »

Wow, that's about half a tonne of water :shock:

I just use the tap on the kitchen sink for my water, fill and store, rotate it every six months, unless needed in between, have a lot of camping containers I can use if there is a problem with the local supply that I can top out with extra water from other sources should it be an extended period :mrgreen:

1000ltrs of tap water is less than a fiver if on a meter. :shock:[/quote]

I really didn't know that normal tap water would 'keep' for that long or I would've bought some 5 gall water containers otherwise and started from there!?

Looking at my calculations again I've realised how much I've ordered, no wonder the guy in the shop gave me a funny look. Think I'll have to blag my way out of buying half of them. I suppose it'll not do any harm to have them in like I said they'll get used up as my son drinks a lot of bottled water and it's only the cheap stuff.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by nickdutch »

just dug out my two hot water bottles in case I need them due to power cuts and needing warmth
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by TopCatUK2 »

Bought more tinned stuff at weekend as well as about 1kg of dried lentils and 1kg of chickpeas that I need to practice making meals with.

Please note: A tin of Stag chilli does NOT go well with Uncle Bens microwave Egg Fried Rice :oops: Didn't actually bother to check if I had plain rice in stock before I opened the chilli, sigh.

Noted comments somewhere, can't remember if it was on this thread, about stocking up on peanut butter - can't believe I left that off my list. This might make some of you go green in the face, but in South Afrcia as kids we regularly had peanut butter and syrup sandwiches, yummmm.

Tried some of my 'Clean Linen' scent tealight candles - smells exactly like.....candles buring. No scent, don't know why I wasted my money.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by dazz675 »

been working my weekly hours over more days ....only 1 day off , each week for the last 4 weeks,, so had to use some of my prepps, so today after work , went to farmfoods top freezer up and some tins beans/peas . tomorrow will take my sportsbag, buy more tins and rice for prepp cubby and enjoy my day off...... also been watching a programme on discovery called Dual survival which is quite good

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Sheepster »

Bought a backup duel gas camping stove with 28 gas cannisters this week, Cleared garden ready for planting and bought a mora knife cause it looked pretty :roll: oh and tried some lidl tinned chilli, bloomin lovely so deffo on the list:-)
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by modernwisewoman »

poppypiesdad wrote:Were putting a rainwater harvester in on our house , will be used to feed the washing machine and toilet flushes , which will take the demand off cold water tank giving us a better store for when problems hit .

Could you explain which rainwater harvester you have chosen and the process of installing it please? I am interested in installing one but have houses all around and would not be able to get a digger into the garden. Can we have pictures of the process?
Does this need to be a new topic?
Thank you

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by st3vi3 »

Sheepster wrote:Bought a backup duel gas camping stove with 28 gas cannisters this week, Cleared garden ready for planting and bought a mora knife cause it looked pretty :roll: oh and tried some lidl tinned chilli, bloomin lovely so deffo on the list:-)
Im on ebay tryin to get a we stove atm get a feeling ill b outbit. Mine atm is on last legs haha but I love it. Keep meaning to go to lidl too need to put a note on the door aint been in years
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by SkyWatcher »

Just bought some plastic tubs and buckets for storing rice, sugar and lentils etc. Today, I'm going to sort out my tackle box and see what i have and what I don't and upgrade/update some of it. Got into the habit of looking at stuff now and thinking 'How could I use that?' lol
Area 11

Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Once the SHTF thousands of other people are gonna want the same as you. What do you think your chances are of getting it?.......

Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by the7ps »

I keep trying to add a pic of the new pup but every picture says it is too big. Any suggestions?

His names Godzilla!!! :D
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week

Post by Maddosammo »

the7ps wrote:I keep trying to add a pic of the new pup but every picture says it is too big. Any suggestions?

His names Godzilla!!! :D

had the same problem, it annoying isnt it someone on here said resize it to email it should then work

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