thoughts on this bag

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thoughts on this bag

Post by Paul_H »

Hi all

Been having a look here and there for a bag that I can use day to day for and EDC. Not really needed one up till now as I was never more than a 2 minute walk to the car with all my gear in if it was to go a bit mental.

I managed to break the truck just before xmas and decided that while its off the road I may as well get going on all the refit jobs I want to do on it as it gets used for covering event work that I do so I a now using the bus and trains on a daily basis and when staying with a friend a couple of times a week

I have found this one on ebay ... 1436.l2649

Was wondering what you guys thing I dont mind it being a molle bag as this will come in handy as I can clip stuff to it from time to time if I need to use it for anything more than and EDC and with it being black I think it will fit in ok with the sheeple when out and about in the local shopping areas etc

I am working on a tight budget as one of the things I am prepping for is economical problems and having been made redundant in the past I am trying to clear all debts as a priority and putting money in the bank is high on my list of priorities. I have seen some really nice bags for £40-£55 that if I had the choice id prob just go for but I have to limit what I spend :(

So what do you guys think of that bag do you think it would be an ok bag for an EDC ??/

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Re: thoughts on this bag

Post by 12mp82 »


Personally I wouldn't touch it, but that's because I prefer two shoulder straps on a bag, and clipping extras on the outside isn't going to be good.

Have you got a TKMaxx in your area, it might be worth looking in there for some small back packs, I got my daughter a jeep back pack for about £20 and she uses it every day for her heavy school books and hasn't had a problem with it to date. ... 1e6c81e260

is the one I got, but hers is all black
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Re: thoughts on this bag

Post by Paul_H »

Hi 12mp82 thanks for the link to the bag you got your daughter, I dont have a TKMax near me or at least not one I know of at least. The one you linked to looks very similar to the bag I currently use and problem I have with it is when iv put a decent amount of stuff in the main pocket the extra little pockets on it are hard to get stuff into it as there not the biggest.

My EDC itself its small at the moment but by the time I add on a change of clothes a wash bag etc for staying away for the night and if needs be a change of uniform it gets a bit dam tight in there and I quite liked the design of that bag I linked too as I have used a camera bag of similar design that you could swing around to get access to and found it comfy to use.

I do get what you mean about the 2 shoulder straps though and today found me carrying my bag with both straps as swapping shoulders was a pain so iv had a rethink and I have seen a similar style bag that has 2 straps so that will prob be allot better.

Was trying to stay away from the whole back back thing but I guess I cant have it all if I want to combine my EDC with the stuff I need to move on a day to day basis but then argue that against something going wrong while im out I know I have the ability to stop think assess and move

Maybe I should just stop carrying so much crap with me or convince the other half to move in with me :D
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Re: thoughts on this bag


I use one of these:
Mine has a different camo scheme and doesn't have the water reservoir but its a nice bit of kit, lots of little places to hide things so that people might not find stuff on a cursory rummage through

Re: thoughts on this bag

Post by JayOlliver »

from that pictures its left handed ... i would always be careful of these kind of pack ... a lot of weight on one shoulder can cause issues if carried for a period of time.

Looks like Maxpedition Kodiak rip

Re: thoughts on this bag

Post by pigeonsniper »

I'd definitely avoid a single strap affair like that, a standard rucksack is much better. I always work from the principle that I might need to run with it so it needs to be comfortable and balanced. You don't need to pay much to get something decent that will do a good job. Having too many pockets and pouches can also be a hindrance not a help, you spend a lot of time searching for stuff and unzipping and re-zipping pockets. Unless you are using it on a daily basis and very familiar with it then I'd go for something fairly simple, comfortable and easy to use. The Army maxim of KISS applies here (Keep it simple stupid).
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Re: thoughts on this bag

Post by Paul_H »

Thinking about it a bit more I have decided to go with a 2 strap bag as you guys have all said its just a bit more comfy to wear and use for longer periods of time.

I currently use a backpack but find that there is not allot of room in the pockets and it does get a bit tight when im staying away from home which at moment im doing 2 or 3 nights a week so do need something that can handle being a day to day EDC that I can also get the bits I need to take with me when im away.

I think I prob do take a little too much with me but when staying away I normally have to take with me at least one days worth of clean clothes, I can get away with putting a clean uniform on the day I stay away from home as I tend to go to work then go to friends and I normally get away with a pair of jeans tshirt etc but I do also tend to have to take things like charger lead for phone, mains to usb charger, I also take my netbook but will possibly going back to a tablet for ease.

Have managed to live with the backpack now for a few weeks but its getting to the point that its too small now my EDC is building up a friend has a decent molle backpack in black im going to borrow off him in the week and try it out in anger for a couple of days. I am doing a stint of nights in work so I am lugging around an extra drinks bottle and food for my meal break etc so I think it will be a good test for it. I know some people are put off by the molle system but for me it gives me the ability to multi task the bag or use it for other things as and when I upgrade swap out etc.

I agree with the comment about too many pockets and I agree with KISS I do tend to play with setups for a little bit but once I find a setup im comfortable with then it stays that way, for eg at moment my current setup is main pocket of bag holds the big bulky items, left hand side has the snacks and choc bars in, right hand side has the multi tool and torch in and the little pocket on the back of the backpack holds things like nurofen flu plus etc that type of thing.

Aiming for this to be a EDC come GHB just in case the world does go a bit stupid.

Thanks for all the advice guys I do appreciate it all and its good to get the different view points.
Charlie 5
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Re: thoughts on this bag

Post by Charlie 5 »

I have the Hazard 4 Evac Plan B (single strap) It is okay - but.....

If you have anything heavy to carry it will ride down your shoulder pulling the weight to your lower back - unless you hook it to the front of your trouser belt. Doesnt matter how much you adjust it - the weight will pull it down. You cannot run with it. If you wear it on your back on a train or the tube you will clout everyone close to you with it. I have a Sngupak Backpack (Rucksack), which has an excellent waist strap - this is essential to keep it close fitting, with a homemade velcro sternum strap to keep it really tight. If you get a backpack, get one with the big waist strap, this is where the 5.11 RUSH Range really fail, you cant run with a backpack if its only secured at your chest. The Hazard 4 is well maded with lots of pockets but it is pricey. Helikon make some good budget ones - but like other posters have said you only get what you pay for. Caveat Emptor
If I fail, at least I fail whilst daring greatly, so that my place will never be with those cold and timid souls who have known neither victory or defeat

Re: thoughts on this bag

Post by 23pioneer »

i would go for a military issue bag - contary to belief the modern issue kit is excellent (however stay away from the black daysacks) and you can always pick them up cheap on fleabay but stay away from the replica stuff hope this helps