What are you prepping for?

How are you preparing
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Re: What are you prepping for?

Post by Plymtom »

My prepping is a bit like an electric hand cart, it has one speed, I'm with Nick as regards nervousness of impending war, yet there's no more resources, no overtime, no stops to pull out, so it is business as usual :)
On the other hand like the tortoise and the hare we aren't stopping, every day we learn more and try to better cope with what life throws our way, but insist on living life and enjoying life too, part of my philosophy has not only to be better prepared for what may happen, but to enhance our lives and have some fun and life experiences doing it, the original thread question of "what are you prepping for?" we all expand but the simple answer is "Whatever happens"
I have a strategy, it's not written in stone, nor can it be, this scenario has too many variables, everything about it depends on those variables, being specific is not possible.
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Re: What are you prepping for?

Post by hcshell »

I am only just starting, but there are a list of reasons I want to prep. my worries range from me worrying that the bad weather may mean I can't get out and get food to feed my children, that myself or my husband might lose our jobs and not have the money to supply our basic needs up to economic collapse, war, superbugs....the list goes on. I'm also trying to grow more of our food too as I am suspicious of just about everything and I like to know where my food comes from and that it's not been covered in chemicals before I eat it.
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Re: What are you prepping for?

Post by Mr R »

Good afternoon,

I have read the comments in this thread with interest and I fear that my concerns are going to appear rather mundane, in comparison to some of you! :)

I do not/have not prepared for any form of 'apocalyptic' crisis. That is not to say that people who do so, are in the wrong (I think that this is a very sensible approach), however I personally feel that it is better to concentrate on matters that I have some form of control over. The reason that I have high-lighted the subjects below is, quite simply, because I have been in a situation where they have occurred, or in the case of 'Financial', are going to happen to me in the near future. Anyway, here are some of my thoughts, for what they are worth - as you will note, it is all commonsense!

Day-to-day travel

I have been involved in two unpleasant incidents where I have had to use First Aid. As a consequence, I always carry a pocket-sized First Aid kit when traveling to work and a larger kit, if I am out on a day-trip. The two other tools that I always carry are a pen-knife and a LED touch - both are invaluable! Also, cash. Ensure that you always have enough money on you to jump into a taxi at a moments notice and leave an area quickly.

A store of water

Years ago, when I lived in Bristol, the water company was working on the local infrastructure and as a result, the supply was constantly being cut-off for hours on end, over a period of two months(!). Each time that the supply was switched back on, the water from the taps was filthy, for days on end. The result of this, is that I always have a supply of bottled water and a filter in the house. If you have not experienced anything similar, turn off your water for a day and only use water from the local pond!

A store of canned food

This does not need an explanation. We have all experienced 'panic buying', when a type of food has ran out - usually bread, at the first sight of snow! :lol:


Again, this needs no explanation. We have all experienced a long power-cut and understand the importance of a rudimentary light and cooking supply, i.e.: candles and a camping stove.


Not the most interesting of subjects and one that is often overlooked. I strongly agree with those of you who choose to put aside some form of precious metal(s) and foreign currency, for barter, in the event of an economic 'meltdown'. I am of the opinion that what has happened, over the years, in places such as Argentina, Russia and, more recently, in Cyprus, will occur, to some degree, in the UK. Despite what the media would like us to believe, Sterling is a weakening currency and has (in my opinion) been in decline for many, many years, even when it has appeared to be strong in recent times, such as during the early 2000's.

Also, there is the short-term and more personal issue of losing your income, whether that is in the form of wages or benefits. There is a strong possibility that I will be losing my job next year. Rather than fret, I have prepared for the financial consequences by saving up enough money, in the bank, to pay bills if this does occur (in the manner of Dave RAMSEY: http://www.daveramsey.com/home/)

Daily Exercise

Ensuring that you are as fit as you can be, will assist you in all manner of situations. Referring back to the list, above, if you are reasonably fit, you will be able to give a patient heart compressions for a period of time (believe me, this is exhausting), or in the case of my last comment, under Finance', defend yourself, or run like hell!

Anyway, just a few thoughts - I hope that they are of some use.

Enjoy your day.
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Re: What are you prepping for?

Post by nickdutch »

Mr R wrote:Good afternoon,
it is all commonsense!

Enjoy your day.

makes a lot of sense to me. Its just that for me, the various news of things that are or might happen seems to be a motivating factor to get me to where I need tobe
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Re: What are you prepping for?

Post by desertman »

Mr 'R' - Indeed all good 'common sense' - in essence, you are a 'prepper' ! - The financial area is often overlooked, and I think we are to witness a major financial meltdown very shortly, the US being the first - I understand BIS - Bank for International Settlements - sees the current situation on the financial markets as worse than before the Lehman bankruptcy - so yes we are on the verge of some form of economic collapse, no matter how hard 'our' government here in UK say we are on the road to recovery! You jest I say! Have they come out of their little 'hidy holes' into the real world and seen the price of basics? I don't think so..

When my mother was alive - she was 94 when she passed on - used to keep a thermos of hot water, T bag, torch and sweets under her bed every night, a habit left over from WW2 (In this area of Wales our port city was blitzed badly during WW2) - as she said then and I keep saying now...'You never know, it is always best to be prepared!'
B safe B wise B prepared SURVIVE!
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Re: What are you prepping for?

Post by nickdutch »

desertman wrote: I think we are to witness a major financial meltdown very shortly,
I am of the opinion that the current high stock market vales are down to a bubble of sorts that is partially bring created by the stimulus programs and supported by a few other minor bubbles along the way. A crash (possibly, but not certainly) is coming, whether it will be a long drawn out thing over many years or a massive plummet is another issue all together. And then there is the issue of personal, corporate and governmental debt and that might hit us at any point within 20 years or sooner. Interest rate rises will probably be a bit nasty to the west too.
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Re: What are you prepping for?

Post by grenfell »

opps double post deleted
Last edited by grenfell on Thu Sep 19, 2013 5:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What are you prepping for?

Post by grenfell »

I'm inclined to agree with what you say Nick . The QE and money printing that has been going on has had some negative effects.An example of that is the recent announcement by the US government that an improved economy should mean that there will be less QE . The markets didn't react positivly to the idea of less government bonds ( or funny money to some) coming their way forecasting share price falls and more doom and gloom.
There is a report that the US economy may sometime have to face a serious threat from the Chinese. It looks likely that the Chinese may soon be backing their currency with gold, something the Americans can't do. They are also pushing their currency on world markets and it looks like they are trying to replace the dollar as the de facto world currency. All in all it doesn't look too rosy for the US and probably for the rest of the western fiat currencies.
Oh doom and gloom .
http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/arch ... e-currency
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Re: What are you prepping for?

Post by nickdutch »

grenfell wrote: It looks likely that the Chinese may soon be backing their currency with gold, something the Americans can't do.

That might be a good thing :)
at least we can start to have a global monetary system that is based on a fixed asset.
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Re: What are you prepping for?

Post by DaveTheFrog »

We all have our reasons but mine is more food based for a couple of reasons.

War in the middle east could come at any time from that region that being the case a disruption of oil will paralyse this country very quickly less than a week I suspect so food would run out very quickly so a good stock of food is my goal.

Also communication is a big worry the modern world is far to reliant on gadgets/internet what if it all fails or gets turned off for whatever reason? Hence I would like to get cb/ham radio setup I have hand held walkie talkie so that's a start.

Lastly civil unrest complete breakdown is a concern with falling police numbers and the army down to ridiculous numbers I can see only London being protected and sod everyone else so it is pity we can not properly arm ourselves however I'm sure there are ways and means of getting hold of such things if anarchy ever happened.