Water just gone off, and what about the toilet?

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Chippa Fate
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Water just gone off, and what about the toilet?

Post by Chippa Fate »

Just had a funny phone call from my neighbour a few doors up, saying the water board is in the street now and are starting to dig up the road.
He rang just to let me know and suggested that i fill the kettle up before the water goes off. I did appreciate the call and thanked him for the effort.. Little does he know about my drinking water stores.

It did make me think tho, surely like me, others in the street would have read the letter from the water board telling of the forth coming interruption to supply?
Why did it come as such a surprise the water went off?

Any way to my point, when the wife came in from work she tried to make a cup of coffee and immediately, with a vexed expression informed me of the broken tap in the kitchen...mm yeh

After I convinced her it was not me who broke the tap, but it was a lack of water she became more vexed. I'm not sure whether if it was the lack of
coffee or the info that she could not flush the loo either that got the most reaction.

Fear not for my safety fellow preppers, all returned to normal after I fetched a 25l of drinking water from the store and made a cupper.
The toilet on the other hand was solved by just pouring a bucket of rain water down the loo. (at least the wife understand a little why I prep now)

two things, 1. how small the time scale to discomfort when the water stops and how may people have no reserves apart from a half full kettle is scary.
2. If u don't wish to poop in a compost or dry toilet, is there any pre-made system, that are legal in
the uk, eg Tundish water supply separation, that any one has actually got/used that does not need a pump and elect power to work?
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Re: Water just gone off, and what about the toilet?

Post by PreppingPingu »

I haven't given this a lot of thought, I must admit. I go camping but don't own a chemical toilet. It is something I mean to purchase for emergency situations short term.

What does concern me a little is the idea of system backing up and sewage coming back into the house in a long term problem (tho' that is rather unlikely to be in a situation for that long where by power and water are gone and your waste is coming back at you.) In the unlikely event of long term loss of toilet facilities due to long term power outs/mass flooding etc. What can be done to prevent this as even if we are not using the toilet, others down the street may be still chucking stuff into the system.
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Re: Water just gone off, and what about the toilet?

Post by pseudonym »

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Re: Water just gone off, and what about the toilet?

Post by poppypiesdad »

I'm sure the waterboard would inform you of planned maintenance on the infrastructure , however in emergencies , bursts they'll turn you off until its fixed , flushing toilets should be on your low list to do if you've no water.

Pingu ive posted this up a couple of times

http://www.drainstore.com/underground-d ... 03588.html

is what you need to fit into your sewer pipe , inside your property boundry and this will stop the SHT Pan

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Re: Water just gone off, and what about the toilet?

Post by PreppingPingu »

Thanks poppiesdad I knew I had seen something somewhere before, just couldn't find it!
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Re: Water just gone off, and what about the toilet?

Post by prepperG »

Just a thought but most houses have a water tank in the roof and you may have a water heater tank as well, these two give me about a 200ltr supply, my kitchen tap is the only one that feeds direct of the mains. So if you think the supply will stop fill up from the kitchen tap, you can use a bath to store a lot of water but only fill at the same rate as the main tank is filled or you will just empty the tank into the bath.
Water buts are great for water to flush the toilet or can be filtered/treated.
I am thinking of putting a second water tank in the loft so that i have a constantly circulating store.
Some plastics can only be used to store water for 18 months..
I keep bleech and puri tabs but also have my trusty army issue water purification system. I found out the hard way that the pump type are hard work so recomend the iodine/carbon type for on the move use.
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Re: Water just gone off, and what about the toilet?

Post by poppypiesdad »

Sorry to disappoint you "G" but with the modernisation that has taken place over the years and the increased uptake in combi boilers , this usually leads to the removal of you water tank , hot water cylinder and the change over to a pressurised system , if your wanting to keep the toilet working , get a rainwater harvester basically an tank with a pump that is outside possibly underground , that you can use to flush toilets and fill the washing machine

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