Inverter power supply

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Yorkshire Andy
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Re: Inverter power supply

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

Novice prepper wrote:Great piece of kit.
Just finished my own backup power project and after 3power outages in a week, glad I did so.

Maplin 30w solar panel kit with 30amp hr charge controller
300w inverter
2 75amp hr deep cycle batteries (in parallel)
All neatly housed in a Stanley tool box with 6way switched extension lead from conservatory into living room to power items such as router, lamps, TV, sky box and charge laptops etc

Total cost approx £300 and worth every penny

Did you go for modified or pure sinewave?

found my cheap 300w maplin inverter wouldn't run some electronics although its fine for lights and such things
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Re: Inverter power supply

Post by Novice prepper »

Pure sine wave, advised that these are more efficient and must say its been operating with no problems.....yet! Although batteries had to be charged from mains last week due lack of sun but that's the UK for you.

Next project is solar air heater, liked the look of them when seen on tv energy saving programme, finally a use for all of those cans the kids leave in the car.

I will post pics of my project soon, don't know where all the time goes...back to work in the morning.
Yorkshire Andy
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Re: Inverter power supply

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

just a bit of an update i found one of these in the garage forgot all about it... ... rger-l58bf

cobbled it to some cable and linked it to the charge relay to keep the batteries topped up whilst its stood doing nothing rather than plugging it into the mains regularly ... ator-n70au
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Re: Inverter power supply

Post by DustyDog »

Hi, that is just what i have been thinking of knocking together, can you supply a wiring diagram of sorts please, not totally up to date with wiring up. Thanks for any help you can give.
Up in the wet South Lakeland
Yorkshire Andy
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Re: Inverter power supply

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

DustyDog wrote:Hi, that is just what i have been thinking of knocking together, can you supply a wiring diagram of sorts please, not totally up to date with wiring up. Thanks for any help you can give.

quick sketch obviously wiring sizes will depend on what kit your using

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Re: Inverter power supply

Post by Hamradioop »

I do not see any 12 volt take off on their Andy or is purely for 240 volts?

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Yorkshire Andy
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Re: Inverter power supply

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

That's the basic wiring diagram for the inverter and charger can do the 12v take off bits if wanted but its as simple as lifting off the live to the inverter from the isolator switch and a ground aka negative from the batteries fused accordingly obviously

Not been pedantic but with the best part of 220a at 12v dc in the box if people are going to do a project like this they might need to do a bit of reading before they start on the basics of wiring high ampage circuits , voltage drop. Risks and dangers associated with batteries and appropriate fusing tried to use a circuit diagram package but fell out with it as was on laptop its OK me detailing wire specs but if someone say uses a 2kw inverter instead of a 1kw chances are they will have problems
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Re: Inverter power supply

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

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Re: Inverter power supply

Post by Hamradioop »

Nice to see the circuit diagram Andy. My one concern is the box being wooden if the battery spills or leaks acid will it not eat through the box?

I have been gathering the items to make one using this as a box

It cost me £25.00 at a large diy emporium
“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.” ― Edward R. Murrow
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Yorkshire Andy
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Re: Inverter power supply

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

I've put a rubber mat in the bottom the wood cost me nothing ;-) and it gives me something to screw all the bits to :-D
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