If you live in the south/south East

Homes and Retreats

Re: If you live in the south/south East

Post by Bournemouthprepper »

thats the one, used to have a castle on it, now its more or a state building. very few houses, very few permanent residents. complete isolated island. used to be fully sufficent, had cows on and everything... now its semi-self sufficent especially if your good at growing etc

Re: If you live in the south/south East

Post by coulesy »

Along the lines of national trust castles what about bodium castle,
-easy defended
-surrounded by water
-lots of local trees
-just out side town
-in fairly good nick
-great vantage and veiw point of local surroundings
-no local wild food source( that i could see)
-no real local wildlife
-only one way in and out

Re: If you live in the south/south East

Post by Bournemouthprepper »

coulesy wrote:Along the lines of national trust castles what about bodium castle,
-easy defended
-surrounded by water
-lots of local trees
-just out side town
-in fairly good nick
-great vantage and veiw point of local surroundings
-no local wild food source( that i could see)
-no real local wildlife
-only one way in and out
Looks good, fair bit of room for growning food stuffs! Don't worry about the one exit/entrance, if TSHTF, you would have a way to exit quickly, probably something along the lines of a boat moored in the moat? As for wildlife, Few areas in the UK have good sustainable wildlife, especailly when people get hungry.

For me personally its a bit to far from me! 150 miles to far :lol:

Re: If you live in the south/south East

Post by coulesy »

lol can you tell im a newbie lol didnt think about growning lol yeah there is bags of space to farm as well as a few local farms for trading etc. Prepping is so much more than items and stores its a mind set isnt it. Its only a day or so worth of walking for me so well within B.O.B sustanability raduis. If it was any longer i would consider cache`s. So Bournemouthprepper how would you go about defending this Castle some ideas would be welcome

Re: If you live in the south/south East

Post by Bournemouthprepper »

Best thing to do is reccee the place out, spend a morning strolling around the place and the local area, if all the local people are shotgun totting farmers, maybe re-think your G.O.O.D (Get Out Of Dodge) routes. maybe take a guided tour and see what points the rep points out.

The pics i've seen show a metal grill on the front entrance? find out if it can be lowered, if not, what can you block it with? its got a nice long walkway to the entrance, can it be easily damaged to make it less appealing to any would be intruders?

how many people are in your group, have you got enough for 24 sentry positions? At night is the moon able to shed light through the trees onto the walkway? if not your going to need night vis equipment, or early warning equipment.

how easily accessible from main roads? can a boat be easily transported to the area? Gun rules in the UK are strict as anything, so you can rule out fire arms (Especially if you live in a city), so think of ways to stop anyone wanting to come into your B.O.L.

Ask yourself these questions, and you'll have a good idea of what you'll need to bring with you.
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Re: If you live in the south/south East

Post by diamond lil »

Is there a well inside ? Here's "my" castle for after TS. I love this place :mrgreen: -
http://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/h ... index.html

Re: If you live in the south/south East

Post by Bournemouthprepper »

choar blimey lil!!!

Bit depressing of a place? :lol:

Re: If you live in the south/south East

Post by Bournemouthprepper »

you could also think about getting an OS map of the area, that'll help with local features, hills, buildings etc
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diamond lil
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Re: If you live in the south/south East

Post by diamond lil »

It was in the middle of the border fighting for hundreds of years, and was never taken. Last inhabited in the 1600s and still standing. Fabulous castle! Lick of paint, bit of carpet, pictures on the walls, done ! :mrgreen: I've been there often and love it.

Re: If you live in the south/south East

Post by Bournemouthprepper »

already started moving your pictures and carpet in i bet ;)