Umm, I think that sometimes it is important? I think.............nope, I'm fairly certain it is very important otherwise why do blood tests prior to operations to find out what it isRob B wrote:thanks for all your views ive already looked into the tags both ebay,amazon do tags with your info on them im just generally getting a view on them I appreciate that your blood type is maybe not that important as you would get o blood type for a transfusion the app is on the phone and yes it is locked i just downloaded it and set it up as a precaution as to what I was going to use ie app,ice card or tags I appreciate all your views on it the app can be wiped if I choose I m just putting the thought out there many thanks
I always have my blood donor card in the car where it is easily seen/accessible. Tbh I just feel better knowing that I have tried to communicate that I have a slightly rarer than usual blood group to whoever cuts me out of my imploding vehicle. Whether or not they pay attention to the card is out of my hands. It just makes me feel a tad more secure