Thanks, that is a great help. I must admit I do have a good few piled up but alot will probably be out of date now. I do need to 're stock and you have mentioned things I never thought of.Britcit wrote:I keep quite a few paracetamol, ibuprofen and aspirin as you do. I do also keep a fair number of boxes of cocodamol, but not so many because it raises a few eyebrows at the chemist if your seen buying to often. I can't spread the purchases around as there not many places here that keep them.JonoMathew wrote:.....
I have a large selection of painkillers such as paracetamol, ibruprofen and asprin. Is it worth stockpiling co-codamol or any others? What other medications would you stock pile? Thanks again
I do have quite a few of the 'extra strength' painkillers that are paracetamol\asprin\caffeine.
I look at it this way.
Paracetamol are so\so as a painkiller but can help with a fever.
Ibuprofen also for pain as an antiinflammatory.
I keep aspirin as I take low doses each day. Not prescribed but I've had a lot of relatives have heart attacks so its what I choose to do.
Extra strength painkillers for back ups to my main painkiller, and I find them more useful in case of bad headaches and the like.
I keep cocodamol in my stocks as a more potent painkiller, and as my wife can't stomach tramadol.
I have a stash of tramadol (prescribed), which I build up stocks slowly in case tshtf.
For major problems, in an emergency I have morphine. Leftovers from when I last collapsed with chronic back pain.
Cold and flu capsules, anti diarrhea pills, anti histamines all form part of my stocks. It could be a never ending shopping list, but don't get to bogged down on it. Balance your preps, pick up a little here and a little there and the pile soon builds up.
I know opinion here is a little divided on the topic of anti biotics. I fall on the side of the fence that is pro keeping some. I do want to get some amoxicillin as my wife is prone to chest infections, and has even had this develop into pneumonia twice. As that's what finally killed off my dad I'd rather get some so if shtf the missus would have a little safety net.
I wish I knew a way to get my hands on amoxicillin in bulk but the that of course runs the risk of buying rat droppings off the net.
Over the coming weeks I will be making multiple trips to chemist etc. Thanks again