I've been planning mine and wifeys pensions for a few months, with a view to retiring at the ripe old age of 57 or 58 (so around 2020). The company is trying to close the final salary scheme but I've a lot already in it so should be ok.Deeps wrote:What if, by some mracle the faeces doesn't interact with tbe whirly thing and you live to a ripe old age with minimal pension. You could be skinf for a long time.Seminole wrote:Whilst I agree Money is important, I have to say ensuring your pension is stocked up is probably the worst thing you can do with your money RE: a SHTF situation, Private pensions are not great investments at the best of times and are mostly inaccessible except for very limited circumstances and even then you'll only get it trickled back.
In fact I would go as far as to say most Private Pension plans are a Con
As far as pension planning goes you have to consider what revenue streams will come online and when; Between us we have at least 5 key dates when pensions will start (and stop in the case of a drawdown of one pot).
For me, finance is a boring as f..k, but it's far more important prepping than buying tinned potatoes.