It looks like I ignored your excellent post now ah well.
I think it is 10 posts until you are fully up and running for pm's and not having your posts pre checked.
I didn't actually realise the first bunch I posts were checked before release onto the site - I would love to see a Christmas top 10 of the most bonkers posts of 2012 that didn't make the cut lol
Anyway. Building with wood & mud : sustainable, Eco friendly, relatively unskilled and cheap, long lasting, good thermal properties (when done correctly) etc. good solution I would say.
Thank you Matt I know you're not ignoring me and I'm sure members here know that too. 10 posts...not sure how many I've reached yet but I hope it's soon. Sadly, I haven't had much time to come on here these days with Xmas looming...and talking of which...Merry Xmas to everyone