What do people prep for

How are you preparing

Re: What do people prep for

Post by dizzydays »

Carrot Cruncher wrote:It's true that anything else is "gravy" but part of my reason for prepping is to carry on having the comforts (as far as possible) that I would normally have. Anyone can sit in the dark eating cold baked beans to stay alive, I prep so that my life carries on with as little disruption as possible.

Umm...ok....I only just got my head round stocking up rice and oats. Lets face it - last week I forgot we needed water!! So - can I ask a stupid question please? Assuming there is some sort of economic meltdown - what sort of 'luxury' items might get short? Top of my 'must have' list is tea - but what else ?
Carrot Cruncher

Re: What do people prep for

Post by Carrot Cruncher »

Pretty much anything could be in short supply if firms can't get credit to buy raw materials or stock, or if workers stop going to work as they weren't getting paid.

When I said about having the comforts with as little disruption as possible I meant in shorter term scenarios. Things like having a genny to keep the freezer, lights, tv etc running during rolling power cuts, or having calor bottles and camping stoves to cook food on, having petrol and/or diesel stored incase of fuel protests...that sort of thing.

If it was a full blown apocalyptic "Survivors" type thing then we are all screwed to a degree and luck would be probably just as important as preps.

As was mentioned before all you need is food, water, shelter, and warmth, but would life be worth living without a nice cup of coffee and a bacon butty ? :D

Re: What do people prep for

Post by dizzydays »

ok - ta.....mental note to add teabags and chocolate cake mix to the list....oh and bacon :D
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Joined: Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:16 pm

Re: What do people prep for

Post by jansman »

All of what CC said above.Enough grub for a week to start.That's an achievement in itself.A way of cooking it,off grid.Stored water- you know this! Some water purification tablets,if the water goes off grid.A way to keep clean,plain old soap.Toilet facilities,if that goes off grid.That means a bucket, spade and a bit of ground that's not near a water source.Emergency lighting,a wind up or battery LED lamp,and a torch.And batteries.A battery radio to keep in touch.Information is key,ignorance breeds fear. Can you keep warm? If there's no heating , live in one room with plenty of blankets and clothes etc.

You can see where I am going here.Stocking up and preparing doesn't have to be big and scary, and more importantly in these times,expensive.In fact I bet you can adapt and improvise an emergency kit from what you have already.
Now there's a project...
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

Robert Frost.

Covid 19: After that level of weirdness ,any situation is certainly possible.


Re: What do people prep for

Post by bulldogeagle »

Thank you Ian & Carrot Cruncher, you are quite right i have never been in a "rest" centre- no do i ever intend to be, i dont want to ever put my trust and survival into the hands of TPTB- better to make my own decisions. it is good that there are no powers to enforce an evacuation-although i would like that in writing, i have tried looking at Devon C.C. website but can seem to find any concrete information on it-its all "in the event of", although i did find details of "rest centres" along the A30.
Carrot Cruncher

Re: What do people prep for

Post by Carrot Cruncher »

Send them an email, thats what i did and got a quick and detailed reply for both the county and local level response.

I dont intend to be in a rest centre either but like I said earlier certain circumstances may make it the only or best option. If you have medical needs, lost a family member and need to look for them, lost all your kit, your house and/or BOL is compromised etc. There could be many reasons why you might end up in one so it is worthwhile finding out what the procedures are and what you can expect them to provide

Re: What do people prep for

Post by Bladerunner »

I guess all luxury items will be hard to come by so it is down to what you class as your luxury items.

Think about what you would miss the most, fags, beer, coffee, soft toilet paper, etc. and then stock up on those things but not before you have stocked up on the stuff that will keep you alive.

Make a note of everything you use in a 48 hour period, you might be surprised of what you have forgotten about.

In the first half an hour of getting out of bed you are likely to use toilet roll, toothpaste, soap, razor, (women's things), tea, coffee, sugar, milk, bread, butter, cereal, etc.

Some women might class make up as a necessity, actually make that MOST women. ;)

Things that women only use once a month would definately be classed as an essential but they might not think about them when it comes to prepping. I bought some pads in ASDA last week for 14p. They are great for putting on wounds because of their absorbancy, throw a bit of duck tape round it and Bob is your auntie's live in lover. And at 14p they are as cheep as chips.

Just have a good think at what would be a pain if you didn't have and couldn't get hold of. I am a bit anal (no pun intended) when it comes to loo roll. The best value for money one I have come across is called NICKY and 18 rolls will set you back about £4. I have tried all sorts and most have been way too thin or over priced. I have well over 100 rolls stashed away and buy 18 rolls every fortnight. I do not use anything like that so my stash is growing. :)

I watched an episode of Supernatural where Dean Winchester gets thrown into the future. Society has broken down due a virus and some guy tells him that when he goes back to his own time, "Stock up on soft loo roll, you can't have enough soft loo roll, you'll thank me for it." Absolute classic.

Be lucky (and sanitised)

Re: What do people prep for

Post by Ian »

In writing:

Apart from The Civil Contingencies Act 2004, as amended, Part 2, Section 22, Clause 3(e) there are no powers given to the police or military in the UK to enforce an evacuation of a person from their home.


You can't find what does not exist, there is no other legislation.

TALK to Devon emergency planning, they truly will not bite.

Published plans are generic for any situation and pieces of them will be used as necessary to respond to the circumstances. There will be no individual plans for earthquake, flood, war, zombies etc. just for the possible outcomes.

Use the rest centre as a staging post for a cup of tea, a sit down, the toilets and to check your kit and top up your BOB water. Then move off to your BOL. No one will check your bags or keep you there, the fewer the better in fact. Normally if there are a dozen or so families evacuated they are put up in a local hotel free as it is cheaper than opening a rest centre. Now you would not refuse that would you?

Re: What do people prep for

Post by Bladerunner »

That is a great link Ian, I shall be printing that out and keeping by the front door. (Along with my appointment questionaire for people I don't like.)

Unfortunately, I can still see them using force to get you out of the house if they have an ulterior motive.

One of Alex Jones videos shows them doing just that in America to see how complient the public would be if they initiated martial Law. :tinfoil

They are bound to use scare tactics like there is an explosion risk or chemical leak. If it is armed soldiers at your door it becomes even more intimidating.

Great link though that is definately work looking at.

Be lucky (and barricaded)

Re: What do people prep for

Post by Bladerunner »

I just spotted on another thread that Lidl bog roll is a favourite of some people on here so might have to rethink my stash. Seems it is cheaper than my Nicky loo roll and recycled. Gotta do my bit for the environment so I will check it out.

Be lucky (and clean as a baby's........)