Cheese powder / tomato powder / peanut butter powder

Food, Nutrition and Agriculture

Re: Cheese powder / tomato powder / peanut butter powder

Post by Technik »

I don't see it being used anywhere other than weight management. Even a bob, or especially a bob requires high calorie food. It's like going on a mountain trip - do you want to take BP-5 bars or slimfast bars?
Fat is very good for you, especially nut fat because it's high in omega. It's fat that helps your body to absorb vitamins and minerals, without it it would all just go staright through you. I remember that when I was on a muscle building diet apart from everything else I had to eat aorund 8 nuts and 4 pieces of dark chocolate a day. It's the balance that's important so if you eat too much of one thing it will have an effect here or there.

Re: Cheese powder / tomato powder / peanut butter powder

Post by gehdina »

I have found Tomato granules which are like powder, and when mixed with a little liquid turn into a yummy paste.
I also used them dry to sprinkle over my cheese on toast etc. wow.
I bought them from www,
that is a fantastic website, full of all sorts of herbs and spices etc.
Posts: 16
Joined: Thu Dec 13, 2012 12:04 pm

Re: Cheese powder / tomato powder / peanut butter powder

Post by ukprep »

ive just looked on google and you can get it on amazon

Re: Cheese powder / tomato powder / peanut butter powder

Post by Fabiodm »

Moony wrote:I suppose it depends on what type of personal SHTF type event you are preparing for, but IMO having a lower-calorie long storage food item isn't an advantage. In the longer term scenarios you actually want to worry about keeping up your calorie count, not worry about increasing your waist size. I log all my stored food by calories and then determine how many days stock I've got by dividing it by 2,000 (average days intake) or 1,200 (emergency survival intake), so having something with 85% less calories just means I'd need more of it !

Obviously if you are prepping for more moderate scenarios such as loss of income, then it is perfectly reasonable to want to look at foods that allow a more balanced long-term diet. Consider however if you were forced to give up a cosy well-paid office job and replace that with an outdoor, manual labour job, you'd probably soon be craving those extra calories and still be fitter and healthier as a result.
I had never thought about dividing up my store by calorific count... Thanks moony!

Re: Cheese powder / tomato powder / peanut butter powder

Post by Rosesandtea »

I found this page for powdered cheese, seems to be cheaper than another page I found. The company also does powdered tomato. They sell cheese-flavoured powder as well, but this seems to be the real thing, powdered cheese. They have lots of things that preppers might be interested in. I've got to do a comparison with other companies for egg powder before I buy from them, but they do have that too. ... 53-g-p4701

this might be a cheaper source for the cheese (haven't looked at delivery costs) ... s/SO151508
Last edited by Rosesandtea on Sun Jan 13, 2013 5:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Cheese powder / tomato powder / peanut butter powder

Post by preppingsu »

Rosesandtea wrote:I found this page for powdered cheese, seems to be cheaper than another page I found. The company also does powdered tomato. They sell cheese-flavoured powder as well, but this seems to be the real thing, powdered cheese. They have lots of things that preppers might be interested in. I've got to do a comparison with other companies for egg powder before I buy from them, but they do have that too. ... 53-g-p4701
Hey roses, how ya' doing? Love your new avatar - cute piggy, would be very tasty in a few months time... :D

Re: Cheese powder / tomato powder / peanut butter powder

Post by Rosesandtea »

Hi Su,
eh, so-so I'm afraid, hopefully will be better both physically and mentally in a couple of months! Hope you and your dh are doing well .

Re: Cheese powder / tomato powder / peanut butter powder

Post by preppingsu »

Rosesandtea wrote:Hi Su,
eh, so-so I'm afraid, hopefully will be better both physically and mentally in a couple of months! Hope you and your dh are doing well .
sorry to hear that. We're good, thank you - looking forward to some warmer weather though!
Hows the family?

(oops, hijacking thread here.... ;) )

Re: Cheese powder / tomato powder / peanut butter powder

Post by EddieEnzyme »

Hi All,

I've never tried this supplier (but I will!) but they seem to have some bargains, especially the tomato powder: ... atoes.html