bug out ,bug in

How are you preparing

Re: Re: bug out ,bug in

Post by Zai »

madgaz wrote:
Zai wrote:if anyone wants to take it off me I'll make sure they limp off cursing. :D
And I too, shall defend my castle :twisted:

At the end of the day, I would bug in until it was impossible to do so. Mainly for the comfort of my 2 young kids.

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Ferzackerly Madgaz. Exactly how I feel!

Re: bug out ,bug in

Post by Dogmeat »

I always struggle wih this one. As much i would prefer to stay put and defend my home, there is very little food to be gathered here. The local heathland is prehaps he bet bet but as ot is so close to town i imagine it will be over hunted/fished pretty soon. Rats are an option i suppose but i cant say im too chuffed on the idea, not to mention health risks. Our town also has a pretty heavy 'hoody' problem. So for me, getting the hell out of dodge seems most appropriate.

Re: bug out ,bug in

Post by Fezza800 »

Bug out, Going to go to a remote location and setup a den (stayed in it at -9c temperature in russia) so the less rampaging looters around the bette :D
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Re: bug out ,bug in

Post by junmist »

Dogmeat wrote:I always struggle wih this one. As much i would prefer to stay put and defend my home, there is very little food to be gathered here. The local heathland is prehaps he bet bet but as ot is so close to town i imagine it will be over hunted/fished pretty soon. Rats are an option i suppose but i cant say im too chuffed on the idea, not to mention health risks. Our town also has a pretty heavy 'hoody' problem. So for me, getting the hell out of dodge seems most appropriate.

But there is so much more to eat on the heathland that meat/fish get yourself a good foraging book and on the nasty days take yourself out and find the stuff and make sure its safe before the kids get to it? on a nice day take the kids out and see what you can find to eat then take it home and cook it that way the kids know to bring the food to you and get to learn what they can eat and what could be bad. When everyone else has moved away because there is no meat/fish you could still live there.
Not much you can do with Hoody problems but handle them in two ways get to know some of them they may not be as bad as you think and if they know you they could help out or hide out untell they too move away. :D
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Re: bug out ,bug in

Post by Dogmeat »

I managed to get my hands on a little book called 'food for free' actually. Its a really interesting book. Not sure how much use it is in practicality but interesting all he same. I pretty much grew up on this heath so i know it back to front and its not massive. There is plenty of food to be foraged but this wont last forever. Especially when everyone starts mooching over there.

My BOL however, is sat nicely between a decent sized woodland and the coast, pretty well out in the country and personally i fancy my chances there over the city. There are a few old ruined cottages still dotted about so shelter is readily available. Only trouble is im unable to store anything there so will be relying solely on what i can fit in my car.

As for the hoodys, i do know quite a few of them and some of them are pretty nasty people. Dealers and thugs mainly, walking around the estate with concealed brass knuckles and batons and such.

Re: bug out ,bug in

Post by Dogmeat »

I like the idea of going out and making a meal of what i can forage. Next time i get a day off i think we'll give it a go :)
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Re: bug out ,bug in

Post by Plantiejo »

If it is still a choice, then it's Bug In for us as a first option.

Practice sessions would help some peoples decision process.
No matter where you live, turn off your gas, water and electricity for a weekend and see how you (and your family) get on.
Then on another weekend bail out of your home with what you have chosen to take with you and test that too.

We have tested the first option fully but only dabbled with the second option with camping and Rabbit hunting trips.
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Re: bug out ,bug in

Post by desertman »

I actually wrote an article on this entitled 'Fight or flight' - about 2 years ago and may have referenced it here some time ago but unsure where..lol - anyhoo here is the link http://www.ambilacuk.com/safesurvival/f ... ighti.html
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Re: bug out ,bug in

Post by ctrljay »

Bug in! Cause of my illness. Ease of preps at hand. Family friends close by. Still have prepped for bug out last last resort due being more vulnerable.

I think most would stay, unless SHTF was a quick event! I hope we get notice even 15 minutes would be good.
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Re: bug out ,bug in

Post by jeff1966 »

ill health also makes bug in my favoured option, I was the only driver in our house so once my licence was revoked due to dizziness going any were far became a no no for me as I also have mobility problems.