What preps are you doing this week? Part 3.

How are you preparing
Mr R
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? Part 3.

Post by Mr R »

sniper 55 wrote:I've been thinking about making some "hard tack" biscuits, they will keep for years if kept dry (I'm told) I was going to do it this evening but now I've got to go and pick up someone so I'm stuffed.
What is the recipe and are there any special storage instructions?
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? Part 3.

Post by notadog »

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sniper 55
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? Part 3.

Post by sniper 55 »

Mr R wrote:
sniper 55 wrote:I've been thinking about making some "hard tack" biscuits, they will keep for years if kept dry (I'm told) I was going to do it this evening but now I've got to go and pick up someone so I'm stuffed.
What is the recipe and are there any special storage instructions?
Heres the link I was given. I'm told that for the Royal Navy they were baked 4 times, although that makes them very hard going to eat.

http://www.twice-cooked.com/2013/06/28/ ... s-biscuit/
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? Part 3.

Post by Arzosah »

I was woken up last night by hammering ... 3am :( my neighbours are noisy, but thats unusual even for them. It kept on, with another noise in the background, so eventually I put my dressing gown on and went round. Their power had gone off, and there was a burning smell. Two UK Power Network vans were outside, and the electrician was making snide comments that I was lucky to have electricity, as he'd had to switch off quite a few houses in our road to deal with whatever it was.

I'll ignore my peevishness that nobody seemed the least apologetic :oops: because I was thinking about it in terms of "what if that happened to me". I don't think it would, because I had nearly all the electrics renewed a few years ago, but if it *did*, I don't have the emergency gas and electricity numbers in my hotel bag or even my diary or phone, :oops: which I'll be rectifying before I go to sleep tonight ... at least I *do* have a bug out bag, and it does make you think - if their house had caught alight, thats my party wall side. A bit eek.
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? Part 3.

Post by jansman »

Today I have cleaned and repaired my poultry housing and runs, ready for some new incumbents next week. My last batch of layers was four years old and no longer viable, so it was clear out time. No room for passengers I am afraid.

In the greenhouse I have chilli and sweet peppers germinating in the propagator. The leeks are already through.In the polytunnel we have spring onions , lettuce, spinach, and kale. My early spuds are poking through in there too. Not bad.
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? Part 3.

Post by Mr R »

Collecting pine cones and birch bark for use in my wood burning camping stove. The bark lights up far better than paper and lasts longer : the cones burn for a reasonable amount of time and emit a surprising amount of heat - my kettle was boiling in a record seven minutes.
Yorkshire Andy
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? Part 3.

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

Arzosah wrote:I was woken up last night by hammering ... 3am :( my neighbours are noisy, but thats unusual even for them. It kept on, with another noise in the background, so eventually I put my dressing gown on and went round. Their power had gone off, and there was a burning smell. Two UK Power Network vans were outside, and the electrician was making snide comments that I was lucky to have electricity, as he'd had to switch off quite a few houses in our road to deal with whatever it was.

I'll ignore my peevishness that nobody seemed the least apologetic :oops: because I was thinking about it in terms of "what if that happened to me". I don't think it would, because I had nearly all the electrics renewed a few years ago, but if it *did*, I don't have the emergency gas and electricity numbers in my hotel bag or even my diary or phone, :oops: which I'll be rectifying before I go to sleep tonight ... at least I *do* have a bug out bag, and it does make you think - if their house had caught alight, thats my party wall side. A bit eek.

Sounds like a phase fault probably shoving 425vac into 2/3rd of the houses on that supply....

It happens

My dad took charge of a underground cable fault directing people round as it kept reenergising from the substation lifting the flags..

the electric board man popped his head out the van and said " thank suppose I ought to get traffic management out and close the pavement " :shock:
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? Part 3.

Post by izzy_mack »

Mr R wrote:Collecting pine cones and birch bark for use in my wood burning camping stove. The bark lights up far better than paper and lasts longer : the cones burn for a reasonable amount of time and emit a surprising amount of heat - my kettle was boiling in a record seven minutes.

I discovered long ago that fir cones give super fast heat and are great for getting fires going once the kindlings taken. Regrettably our rented house doesn't have a fire but I still collect cones for my brother who keeps me in potatoes and plastic boxes (!) in return, I love wandering the woods and don't feel I'm wasting my time if I come home with a few carrier bags of cones, win, win situation. I haven't tried bark for lighting but will when/if we ever find our own home.
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? Part 3.

Post by Decaff »

The Einkorn flour arrived yesterday and I made my first loaf. Very very nice bread, wholewheat tasting and quite dense but such a treat after not having bread for so long. I will work on the density issue but still not particularly bothered by it. I'm hoping that this wont cause me any digestion problems which I get from eating British wheat, strange I can eat French or Italian wheat and not have the problem so those part baked baguettes and pasta are fine for me to eat.

Well I ate a lot of this bread yesterday and again this morning and so far so good on the digestion front! No cramping stomach pains, no bloating and no feeling sick. Very pleased with it and will most definitely try to purchase some Einkorn berries as these will store for longer than the flour without going rancid.

Has anyone else tried this bread flour?
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Re: What preps are you doing this week? Part 3.

Post by dazz675 »

hiya not been here for a while but im still prepping , ive council flat salford uk 50m high and workman on the flats for last 12months....6 months ago housing women assessed my flat for new kitchen and bathroom, already installed but i had to prepare the flat, the housing women called me a hoarder , because of a well stocked pantry...cheek ....so my preps since are not so obvious.....my dad gives a 2 tins of salmon or ham a week ....so when not actively prepping im still adding to my stock..... off to LA April for my 50th... big sister putting me up.
you all take care