Thank the Gods..... I thought it was only me.ukpreppergrrl wrote:I'm storing lots of dried fresh chillies for bartering! It's the scourge of modern cuisine in my books, creeping in where it has no place to be, so ubiquitous it's often no longer mentioned as an ingredient! However, evidently it's very, very popular and as for everyone else but me it seems to make plain, prepping food palatable, it's clearly going to be up there with chocolate, coffee and alcohol as a desirable commodity. But unlike the others in my list, I myself am not partial to it and therefore won't consume it before time!
We watch cooking programs on the Box, and quite often they're making something and as they put each thing in we're going "I eat that, I like that, that sounds good" then its "Chilli with that ! WTF?!!"
Last time it was Lemon Sole
Woodsman: Wine is like beer in that it gets lonely, therefore its cruel to only drink one