Zika virus: Up to four million Zika cases predicted

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Re: Zika virus: Up to four million Zika cases predicted

Post by redskies »

Stasher wrote:
redskies wrote:
There are two things I'm seeing mentioned. The GM mosquitoes - and whatever the truth of that one, I'd say it's a fair bet that the Oxitech suits are just a wee bit worried just now - and the anti vaxxers are out in force. However, it turns out that TDAP, which is given to American kids as standard, has been given to pregnant women in these countries and there's been virtually no testing whatsoever to see if it's safe to do so.

I dunno. And unless Anonymous & Wikileaks team up together, the one to get the information and the other to release it, I have doubts we'll ever find out the truth of it.
I listened to this last night (goodbye mosquito) which was all about oxitech and the gm mosquitos, quite interesting
and this is quite worrying
http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/sta ... e-3-16/en/

I'll have a look at the first link a bit later, but the second is very interesting. I've been sort of keeping an eye on it in between stuff; life is what happens when you make plans to do other things! There is something that's been rumbling around in my head regarding mossies though. If they're routinely removed, along with anything else that the pesticides used affect, that could, potentially, have a knock on effect all the way up the food chain. It's not a fully formed thought, it's just been sitting in the back of my head while I've been doing my blue arsed fly impression for the last few months.

And I'm still curious about to how this appears to have evolved. Zika was first noted in 1947, and there doesn't seem to be any mention of the current issues before the last few years.
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Re: Zika virus: Up to four million Zika cases predicted

Post by whenfires »

redskies wrote:
And I'm still curious about to how this appears to have evolved. Zika was first noted in 1947, and there doesn't seem to be any mention of the current issues before the last few years.
This is one of my concerns longer term, the mutation and evolution of existing viruses. Didn't AIDS become easier to treat because it mutated into a less virulent strain? It could easily have gone the other way.
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Re: Zika virus: Up to four million Zika cases predicted

Post by womble »

whenfires wrote:
redskies wrote:
And I'm still curious about to how this appears to have evolved. Zika was first noted in 1947, and there doesn't seem to be any mention of the current issues before the last few years.
This is one of my concerns longer term, the mutation and evolution of existing viruses. Didn't AIDS become easier to treat because it mutated into a less virulent strain? It could easily have gone the other way.
The tendency is for the benign direction, though. A disease that doesn't kill you as fast gets more time for you to spread it. More aggressive pathogens risk burning themselves out. So "easily"? Not so much.