What do people prep for

How are you preparing

Re: What do people prep for

Post by bulldogeagle »

yep, Lidl 4ply is our fav toilet roll, you get 10 rolls in a pack for £4+, we stock 3 packs at a time, lasts us about 3 months!

Re: What do people prep for

Post by cumbriasurvivalist »

Carrot Cruncher wrote:It's true that anything else is "gravy" but part of my reason for prepping is to carry on having the comforts (as far as possible) that I would normally have. Anyone can sit in the dark eating cold baked beans to stay alive, I prep so that my life carries on with as little disruption as possible.
As the saying goes why survive when you can thrive. :mrgreen:PS- what do the latters mean,there seems to be quite a few.I know what TSHTF means but what about TPTB and any others used on this forum,thanks in advance prepper.

Re: What do people prep for

Post by Bladerunner »

The Powers That Be or otherwise known as SCUM.

There is a list on here of what everything stands for but I will need to run off and find it.

OK, it's under Acronym Lists in the LISTS section.

Be lucky (and SASFQ) (Don't ask) :lol:

Re: What do people prep for

Post by bulldogeagle »

all this talk of "rest centres" reminds me, after Katrina(ok its America not UK i know) when the survivors were in the rest centre i seem to remember there was a lot of punch ups, and i think there was an armed guard not letting anyone out, i'm not saying that would be the case here but you wouldn't want to put yourself somewhere like that and not be able to get out again would you?? think of "Kettleing"( in the Students protest) but in a rest centre context. i'm just saying, for me personally, i would rather take my chances and bug out than have someone i dont know making decisions on my behalf. there are a lot of books on prepping/survivalism which state:" do not let yourself become a refugee ". when there was a bomb scare in a town not far from here, the Police did not give people the opportunity to refuse to evacuate, even going back in for your bag was frowned upon! once people left their property the Police didnt care much where they went as long as they stayed out of the cordoned off area, in the end it was a false alarm and only lasted a couple of hours.
Carrot Cruncher

Re: What do people prep for

Post by Carrot Cruncher »

No one as far as I am aware is saying that rest centres should be your first option, just that you should know what the plans are for evacuation in your area and that in some circumstances a Rest Centre may well be your best option (for the reasons I mentioned earlier, medical aid, lost relatives etc). One of the points of prepping is that we don't need to rely on the government or councils to look after us, I for one certainly wouldnt want to be shacked up with a load of other people I dont know or care for (and that includes preppers :D ), but that doesn't mean that all rest centres are some kind of new world order plot to control the masses.

New Orleans has been well documented as an example of what can go wrong and is probably a reason why some people got involved in prepping in the first place

Re: What do people prep for

Post by bulldogeagle »

i agree, just thinking out aloud!

Re: What do people prep for

Post by Ian »

Thinking back I don't recall ever even seeing a policeman at a rest centre. There is nothing for them to do and would probably be needed elsewhere. Never seen a fight or any friction either, just the coming together of people with a Blitz spirit and good humour. After all, we are British you know.

Re: What do people prep for

Post by bulldogeagle »

Ian are you saying that only British people go to the "rest centres"? people from other nationalities/immigrants perhaps stay within their own communities? does that say something about the British mentality( for queueing for instance), i think we have probably come a long way since WW2 and people sheltering in the underground, and not for the better either, i think in the cities there are too many "Vicky Pollard's"("what are you looking it? & "whats it got to do with you" brigade) to be comfortable in that environment- i'm thinking off a serious event-which would involve a longer stay rather than a few hours cos we've had some heavy snow or such. as i said before i'm just thinking out aloud, just a few random thoughts-what if?

Re: What do people prep for

Post by Ian »

Now you are just winding me up.

Don't be silly.

Re: What do people prep for

Post by bulldogeagle »

Ian wrote:Now you are just winding me up.

Don't be silly.
no i'm not, i'm being serious, i lived in a city for 43 years i saw my community going downhill fast, my friend had his door kicked in at 5am, just yesterday a neighbour had his car "done over" and this is a nice area not your inner city ghetto, i've had the "whats it to you"attitude, the veneer of civilisation is very thin, in a stressful situation the human animal reverts to tribal instincts, thats why i avoid crowds and public transport. and again why i will avoid rest centres, maybe i'm being paranoid but i just think i'm being careful. :mrgreen: