Chez CC has got 2 of them (Rotties not canoes) Dont get many sales people knocking on the door, and if they do they dont stay longHuorn wrote:I found that having a Rottweiller in the canoe tamed the most aggressive angler/chav!
Best driving schools?
Re: Best driving schools?
Re: Best driving schools?
I had a good post lined up but stupidly hit the back button on my browser before submitting it. What an idiot. Anyway, I was just saying that you're right, I agree with you and that it was foolish of me to dismiss the idea out of hand when I hadn't considered other factors, such as deterrents and following routes like you mention in your topic, 'Possible Bug Out Routes'.Northern Raider wrote:A pistol crossbow has a similar deterant value ( After TSHTF)Huorn wrote:I found that having a Rottweiller in the canoe tamed the most aggressive angler/chav!
Anyway, to say something on the topic, when I learn to drive (I have yet to learn) I know one thing for certain, and that is I will be doing my PassPlus straight after I've passed my test (when you do night-time, motorway and possibly wet-weather driving if I remember correctly - I think it also helps with the cost of insurance) and then, after that, I shall be looking to join my local/nearest group of the Institute of Advanced Motorists. My driving plans after that consist of doing a course in off-road driving and a college course for basic engine maintenance and repair. Other stuff I can learn ad-hoc I suppose.
What are people's thoughts on learning to drive from a relative compared with learning to drive from a qualified instructor? What with money being tight and everything.
Just to reiterate, I really do take the value of your post NR, I simply hadn't thought about any of that. It really does go to show how you need to keep in mind not only what you should be doing, but also what other people are likely to be doing come time of trouble.
Re: Best driving schools?
preppingsu wrote:oh smileyt, hope you are feeling OK. Thats a horrible thing to happen. My OH is a cyclist and he has had many, many near misses that way. He usually offers some profanity to the driver!smileyt wrote:Well, I went to the local Honda showroom today and looked at a couple of bikes/scooters. My legs were dangling on all of them. I could tell the salesmen were dying to laugh I guess at 4ft 8" I am only the height of the average 11 year old girl. Sigh. However, I shall look at other makes. Part of the problem too was that I didn't feel strong enough to hold the bike steady.
Part of me is wondering if this is an omen: I got knocked of my bike (cycle) on the way to the showroom. It was broad daylight and I was wearing a fluorescent yellow strap. I was cycling past a row of parked cars and the driver of one of them decided to open the car door without checking the mirrors first. I admit I did swear and ask what they thought the purpose of the mirrors was. Luckily I was wearing a helmet or it would have been ambulance for a broken head time. As it is, I just have a mild headache and I know I will wake up stiff and sore in the morning. So I admit I am slightly going off the idea of a motorbike!
I hope you can find something you are comfortable with.
Sorry I'm still catching up, hope your ok, I have to say I don't like push bikes, had a transport strike in london 81 ish? I had to cycle over 10miles to work, watching how close my mate in front came to being knocked of her bike was really scary, and the amount of fag butts that landed on me from car windows?