What are you prepping for?

How are you preparing
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Re: What are you prepping for?

Post by Quercus-robur »

First and foremost, regardless of whether or not there was a need to prep, I am learning the skills and knowledge to become self sufficient. I would like a simple life living off the land (though would still need to be part of a community to barter for what I can't produce). Unfortunately though it seems I may never have the capital to buy my own house or plot of land. Allotments may be some form of middle ground I will have to look at.

In regards to prepping there are several different things that I prep for:

- Small scale disruptions such as flooding, loss of income, increased cost of living and increased cost of food due to continuing bad harvests resulting from irrational weather patterns

- Large scale disruptions such as a conflict in the Middle East crippling our country through reliance on oil or a global financial crisis caused by the collapse of debt based currencies such as the US dollar

The collapse of a debt based currency is a mathematical certainty. Earths resources are finite. Peak Oil is a question of when, not if. It seems to me that within my lifetime I will have to face the stark realities of a global SHTF event.

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Re: What are you prepping for?

Post by chrisred »

New member but not so new to prepping. It's not until you sit and read a site like this and then start to ask what it is exactly your preparing for, when you realize just how unprepared you are i guess?

A simple question like such, hard to answer. Mostly, I've stocked up on food, clothing equipment and tools not being too specific but to ask what it is I'm preparing for raises new concern. Now as this may sound strange, I've never gave it a lot of thought really to prioritize over certain scenarios but try to be somewhat all round and ready for any situation which in a nut shell believe this would be the case for anyone on here.
First and foremost, I don't think I'd have a list which runs in order of priority but more than categories. For instance the possible likelihood.

Paramount, my guess would have been war, economy, power out.
Next, epidemic, terror attack, food/energy shortage
Last, natural disaster, zombies, revolution.

It's hard to pin down what will most likely occur. Oven one could be a catalyst for many and with shifting uncertainty it's hard to tell. Fukushima could still pose a huge threat to us all.

As for sustainability, I am undecided. This could be a propaganda ploy to continue to drive up the cost of resources, taking away more right to freedom and get Agenda 21 running it's course but again, a 7 billion population may well be too much. Going back in time, people managed just fine with out all the appliances. The danger of this now though is the fact that it's all anyone knows and as a population have become increasingly dependent on the supermarket shelves and heat at the flick of a switch.

Back on topic, I have a few bug out bags for worst case scenarios like viral outbreak or chem attack and have food storage, water filtration and distillation, solar power and hunting equipment for national crisis but mainly i think organization and planning is a lack.
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Re: What are you prepping for?

Post by jansman »

I think if you prepare for the little? things, like job loss, income reduction, flood etc. then you are a good couple of steps towards dealing with the big things, like TEOTWAWKI ?
For us it is about having our own resources to fall back upon-as we had to earlier this year, the essence of prepping really. All you can do is your best, as you will never cover every situation.
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Re: What are you prepping for?

Post by nickdutch »

jansman wrote:All you can do is your best, as you will never cover every situation.

And as i cant afford to spend alot help me get somewhere then I will just have to carry on doing the best I can bit by bit.
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Re: What are you prepping for?

Post by desertman »

Just a quick reminder if I may - for those of you who live in South Wales, or anyone able to make it to Swansea for Saturday 19 October, I am running an emergency Preparedness one-day workshop - details on my link below - I know it can be expensive to travel etc etc, but also this may be a good opportunity/excuse to have a day of like-minded folk getting together
See here for details

Carry on prepping...! Thanks
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Re: What are you prepping for?

Post by prepperG »

Having worked hard to be confortable i have realized that i have no security what so ever! i could loose everything including savings very quickly. So i started to look at how much it would cost to be fully self suficient.. well to have the same life style way to much, but to buy land and self biuld an off the grid house. still looking into it.
Am preping for job loss and short term loss of power/water/fuel/food etc
oh also started preping when i was issued radiation meater and atropine for nerve agent.
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Re: What are you prepping for?

Post by Bodhihermit »

Total economic Collapse, and the WROL that will ensue when people realize that the toytown money they have squirreled away is worth naff all.

but like Quercus-robur I'm working towards being totally self sufficient and of grid, trying to learn as many useful new skills as i possibly can.
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Re: What are you prepping for?

Post by Al_Shrew »

I suppose my end goal / dream would be to become self sufficient.
However the main ones are - Job loss, loss of utilities (water,gas or electric). Finally something like a petrol strike / shortage (empty shops, unable to travel to work etc).
Looking at it now I guess these are all linked to some sort of economic disaster.
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Re: What are you prepping for?

Post by Makkalu »

I think Paul has pretty much covered, what I'm preparing for. Along with weird dreams of SHTF. I have started about a month ago, so still a lot to do!
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Re: What are you prepping for?

Post by terrytaylor84 »

Hi all, im pretty much prepping for any eventuality, i believe its better to cover all areas than prep for one particular thing as you never know which wshtf scenario is gonna rear its ugly head. Ive started to store more grains to begin with white rice, oats that kind of thing. Ive also got my self a decent bob and kit sorted, although i think bugging out in the UK is kinda pointless. How have you guys been storing your foods and what have you been storing. ie are you storing rice and grains in the bag they came in or are you putting them in sealed containers to make them last even longer.