I sometimes forget about rents and mortgages and perhaps a lot of people do too as I would be surprised to hear that many people pay those in cash and we also have neither to pay.Brambles wrote:I think it's prudent to have enough cash in the house to pay all bills and rent/mortgage for 3 months. The TSB thing has certainly highlighted how bad things can quickly get. But it's not just cyber problems, you could get an unexpected repair bill or lose your job or not get paid on time need to travel somewhere for an emergency, the possibilities are endless and having a cash stash is reassuring.
We do rent out one property at around £450 a month which to be fair is on the cheap side , others in the area are £6-700 . Either way that does add up to quite a bit , £1350 on our rate , and that's without thinking about food bills , petrol or tickets , or as you say an emergency fund. It could easily add up to several thousands of just in case money and then that starts to get into the argument of having a substantial sum doing nothing , not earning and effectively devaluing as it sits there