Am radio stations


Am radio stations

Post by M4rc8531 »

Hiya folks,

I know there are a few (literally) radio stations that still use ye olde Am stations, was just wondering if anyone knew of any that broadcast information about SHTF stuff of that nature? Or where to go if something does occur.

Apologies if it sounds stupid, it got me thinking about it after seeing 28 days later and the government broadcast some message via radio. Dont worry I aint one of them Zombie apocalypse nut cases lol
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Re: Am radio stations

Post by rik_uk3 »

Your best bet is to buy a good radio, multiband type. Tecsun make good radio's and even the little ... 1537160509 should suit your basic needs.
South Wales UK
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Re: Am radio stations

Post by M4rc8531 »

Cheers mate, seen some on ebay for like £15-20 but was just wondering if theirs anyone out there who still broadcasts on Am lol ie people who broadcast about prepping and stuff of that nature especially as once disaster hits suburbia will be a ghost town, my mum is as best 20 miles away from me, so that'll take a good few hours hike if im 110% but if worse comes and my mum is d e a d then the hike would be pointless especially as there (slightly) more resources round here
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Re: Am radio stations

Post by Hamradioop »

Am in the uk is to be found on the medium and long wave services plus shortwave

BBC Local radio is the usual source of information of this type.

BBC Radio four can be found on 198 LW
720 MW in London plus Plymouth 774, Hayle (Cornwall) 756, Newcastle 603, Carlisle 1495, Aberdeen 1449, Enniskillen 774, Lisburn 720, Derry 720 and Glasgow 720.

BBC radio five 909 MW, 693, 990

Talk Sport 1053, 1089, 1071, 1107 MW

BBC Radio Scotland 810, 585 (Dumfries opt out)

BBC Radio Wales 657, 882 (main), 1125 MW

LBC News 1152 MW

further information on MW brocasting can be found here The Medium Wave Circle is an international club for radio enthusiasts. It brings together people all over the world with a similar interest in medium wave radio (MW, AM or BCB) and related topics.
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Re: Am radio stations

Post by M4rc8531 »

Thanks ham :) i'll tune in last thing I want when everyone is running round like a headless chicken is to miss the footy results lol
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Re: Am radio stations

Post by Hamradioop »

However Ofcom want every one to go over to DAB so they can sell more spectrum, no doubt and AM Stations are seen to be a thing of the Past.

Most DAB Receivers will receive VHF FM as well as DAB but few will receive MW and LW transmissions.

The Government ended it National Attack Warning System with the BBC some time ago.

2012 update - following a freedom of information request it appears that NAWS is no longer a key player on the Civil Defence front. "the nature of the risks we face and technological developments mean that it is no longer an indispensable part of our civil protection infrastructure and robust warnings can be delivered in other ways". In reality this is because the TV and Radio are limited in warning ability and it is an analogue system not digital (where analogue TV is now defunct and analogue radio may be in the next 5-10 years). But ... it is still part of our "civil protection infrastructure". from Civil Defence today
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Re: Am radio stations

Post by metatron »

Hamradioop wrote:However Ofcom want every one to go over to DAB so they can sell more spectrum, no doubt and AM Stations are seen to be a thing of the Past.

Most DAB Receivers will receive VHF FM as well as DAB but few will receive MW and LW transmissions.

The Government ended it National Attack Warning System with the BBC some time ago.

2012 update - following a freedom of information request it appears that NAWS is no longer a key player on the Civil Defence front. "the nature of the risks we face and technological developments mean that it is no longer an indispensable part of our civil protection infrastructure and robust warnings can be delivered in other ways". In reality this is because the TV and Radio are limited in warning ability and it is an analogue system not digital (where analogue TV is now defunct and analogue radio may be in the next 5-10 years). But ... it is still part of our "civil protection infrastructure". from Civil Defence today
They have been pushing DAB for some time and have had to change the switchover date. The reality is the uptake is low. I'd not bother with a DAB radio and get a radio with good LW reception as if everything goes tits up, you will still have broadcasts coming out of other countries.
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Re: Am radio stations

Post by dangerman »

DAB is a load of crap, I don't know why they're making out it's a better option. Instead of getting something sometimes, you get nout unless it's perfect. Utter uselessness.

If all the old AM and SW type radios are not being used mainstream, shouldn't that mean that it should be cheaper to set up a radio station? I also don't really understand why that didn't happen to TV. If I bought a load of kit, surely I could set up a Dangerman's World TV channel - similar to Waynes World.
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Re: Am radio stations

Post by the_rat »

My local bbc radio station does TX on MW which is very handy as both my retreat locations (both within 3 miles of each other) lose the FM signal completely including phone signal it really is that remote where I go.. So AM is handy plus my and my buddy use 2 way on AM anyway due to lack of squelch noise compared to that of FM