This guy writes one of the best blogs on prepping on the Interweb IMHO.

That I like, and if I had the land I would do it, and make the sides and all block walled with an air gap large enough to wriggle around to repaint it form time to time and the same with the top, concreted over with a large shed built on top to make it look like a base for the shed, the container itself provides a little security and possibly EMP type protection, I have ( and I suspect many do) a fascination for hiding places and secret passages, and I think I'm a hoarder, like a fair few prepping related things SHTF is an excuse, justification for doing something I likepoppypiesdad wrote: there's a guy on you tube done one ,but the base was drained , the sides of the hole sloped back and Steel beams spanning over the container with a air gap , then covered over , so it was done but ith absolutely no loading on the container