So You want to Bury a shipping Container?

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So You want to Bury a shipping Container?

Post by Hamradioop »

Read this article from Gray wolf; ... tf-bunker/

This guy writes one of the best blogs on prepping on the Interweb IMHO.

Image sides can be seen bowing in and note roof supported by Acrow Jacs

Image Sides starting to bow inwards.

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Re: So You want to Bury a shipping Container?

Post by featherstick »

Yikes. Can't get a more graphic illustration than that. What a lot of work went in to proving that you can't bury them!

I guess if you wanted to bury one you'd have to encase or enclose it in some sort of carcass or exoskeleton. At which point you might as well just dig a bunker from scratch.
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Re: So You want to Bury a shipping Container?

Post by poppypiesdad »

Yes, no, not really ,sort of , there's a guy on you tube done one ,but the base was drained , the sides of the hole sloped back and Steel beams spanning over the container with a air gap , then covered over , so it was done but with absolutely no loading on the container ,link in a mo

Shipping Container As An Underground Shelter:
Last edited by poppypiesdad on Tue Feb 10, 2015 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: So You want to Bury a shipping Container?

Post by Plymtom »

poppypiesdad wrote: there's a guy on you tube done one ,but the base was drained , the sides of the hole sloped back and Steel beams spanning over the container with a air gap , then covered over , so it was done but ith absolutely no loading on the container
That I like, and if I had the land I would do it, and make the sides and all block walled with an air gap large enough to wriggle around to repaint it form time to time and the same with the top, concreted over with a large shed built on top to make it look like a base for the shed, the container itself provides a little security and possibly EMP type protection, I have ( and I suspect many do) a fascination for hiding places and secret passages, and I think I'm a hoarder, like a fair few prepping related things SHTF is an excuse, justification for doing something I like ;)
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Re: So You want to Bury a shipping Container?

Post by grenfell »

Good to see the article also mentions all the other pitfalls and potential problems of any sort of bunker both underground or otherwise. Personally I think they are great for storage , although condensation can be a problem in any steel structure , and can be delivered and operating as a secure place in a very short time and if I was considering one would probably look to "burying it" under brambles and similar vegetation .
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Re: So You want to Bury a shipping Container?

Post by unsure »

with containers being so common place these days , i`d be incline to try and hide it in plain sight .

reasonably close to my house are a few decent sized electric sub stations , one is off the road enough so as not to be noticed if any one is in the confins of the fence . seems better to use whats around than take a chance on underground , that`s depending on the type of situation .
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Re: So You want to Bury a shipping Container?

Post by grenfell »

With regards to the whole hidden in plain view idea I saw somewhere a suggestion to use a tanker lorry. I can recall a story about whiskey being shipped in milk tankers to make it appear not worth stealing and then there's the scene in Cagney's film White Heat where the gang hide inside a petrol tanker. A second hand one could be picked up relatively cheaply but would require a good clean out but once marked or labelled with an obsure , unpleasant or low grade contents it would probably be as safe as anything else. A whale tanker used for sewage wouldn't attract many to look. Purely for storage an old van is an option. I used an old post office LDV for several years on the front without problems and was tempted to buy a container just to pee off whichever neighbour had complained about wood on my drive.
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Re: So You want to Bury a shipping Container?

Post by Malthouse »

For above ground storage you could also look at camping pods, they are very easy to conceal as they do not really look like anything much from the outside.
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Re: So You want to Bury a shipping Container?

Post by Tackleberry »

That could have been messy. A few railway sleepers at the side and on top might have helped with the rigidity issues though.
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Re: So You want to Bury a shipping Container?

Post by MJ2 »

It will fill with water or rust in just a few years...A hole with a pump in it below the container would do to avoid being submerged, with aggregate (stones) filling the sides to allow drainage of water/rain,tar painted on the exterior with piling sheets around the hole and your good for a long while without collapse or threat of getting wet.
Personaly I would go for pre-fab concrete drainage manholes that can be 1.8 m wide and when laid can become an underground room ,can dig as deep as you like ,steps already built into them and if the base sealed with concrete it should be water tight.