Intermediate Exam

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Joined: Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:04 pm

Intermediate Exam

Post by Appin »

Just back from Intermediate Course. Indicative mark says I have passed with 42/45.

All the work of Dave Wilson who ran the course.

For those who don't know in the Radio amateur exams at Foundation and intermediate level the invigilator marks your paper then and there giving an "indicative result" which is confirmed by electronic marking at HQ which is notified to you by post.

Not sure about the Advanced Exam. that looks really tough.


Re: Intermediate Exam

Post by Rearfang »

Done my intermediate just before Christmas would like to do full
Yes I agree it looks a awfull lot harder my local club doesn't run a full course at moment but I may start practicing and revising at home later this year when I have more time
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Re: Intermediate Exam

Post by Hamradioop » ... acpprs.htm several test paper here to try. for a free cd course for the full exam. Caution you will need to get copies of the licence conditions that are up to date as the course has not been updated for a while but the technical information will be ok
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