What Preps are you doing this week? Part 4

How are you preparing
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What Preps are you doing this week? Part 4

Post by pseudonym »

The annual tidy up, and thread starter.

I'm restocking my grit supplies tomorrow, and filling a prescription to cover the closure period.

What about you lot?
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 4

Post by Deeps »

Waiting on my vacuum sealer arriving, I'm going to build up a supply of homemade dehydrated meals for hill walking. Got a few other presents from me to me coming too. A couple of Nitecore 18650 batteries, a set of German army mess tins (booze and ebay do not mix :oops: ) and a few minor bits and bobs. I got a Yugoslavian mess set (researched for my GHB) which led to the voices telling me to get the German one too.

More chillies dehydrating with a load of onions to go on next. All go at Casa Deeps. :D
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 4

Post by Alloneword »

Deeps wrote:Waiting on my vacuum sealer arriving
What did you buy?
I have been playing with my Foodsaver one tonight, ok for me it was shrinking and sealing of clothes that will go into a safe house but will be using it with food over the weekend for the first time, instead of cooking a single meal, i will cook 3 at once and seal and freeze and cooking a few days later in hot water to see how it goes :D

Please bear in mind i am prepping for the River Thames to flood and how i can get to safe ground, I'm not worried about the end of the world..... I'll die with the other Minions.
I can't trust Govt or local Council to help me so i have to help myself.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 4

Post by Deeps »

Alloneword wrote:
Deeps wrote:Waiting on my vacuum sealer arriving
What did you buy?
I have been playing with my Foodsaver one tonight, ok for me it was shrinking and sealing of clothes that will go into a safe house but will be using it with food over the weekend for the first time, instead of cooking a single meal, i will cook 3 at once and seal and freeze and cooking a few days later in hot water to see how it goes :D

One of these, had a read up and seems OK, plenty good reviews. Having a nose round suggests that padding the bags with kitchen roll or similar helps stop the bag from getting pierced by rogue bits of hard food so I'll be experimenting on that side of things too.

https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00 ... UTF8&psc=1
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 4

Post by sethorly »

Deeps wrote:I got a Yugoslavian mess set (researched for my GHB)
That looks awesome!
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 4

Post by Deeps »

sethorly wrote:
Deeps wrote:I got a Yugoslavian mess set (researched for my GHB)
That looks awesome!
I posted a link to it on another thread (I think), I was very pleased with it for 7 quid delivered. Bottle holds a litre (handy for the puritabs) and folds down small.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 4

Post by Alloneword »

Deeps wrote:One of these, had a read up and seems OK, plenty good reviews. Having a nose round suggests that padding the bags with kitchen roll or similar helps stop the bag from getting pierced by rogue bits of hard food so I'll be experimenting on that side of things too.

https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00 ... UTF8&psc=1
I looked at that one as well was impressed by the reviews as well, one thing to mention about the reviews is youtube has some great tips on using "normal" bags and hence saving a bomb buying the bags they suggest which can be silly money

Please bear in mind i am prepping for the River Thames to flood and how i can get to safe ground, I'm not worried about the end of the world..... I'll die with the other Minions.
I can't trust Govt or local Council to help me so i have to help myself.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 4

Post by Deeps »

Alloneword wrote:
Deeps wrote:One of these, had a read up and seems OK, plenty good reviews. Having a nose round suggests that padding the bags with kitchen roll or similar helps stop the bag from getting pierced by rogue bits of hard food so I'll be experimenting on that side of things too.

https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00 ... UTF8&psc=1
I looked at that one as well was impressed by the reviews as well, one thing to mention about the reviews is youtube has some great tips on using "normal" bags and hence saving a bomb buying the bags they suggest which can be silly money

Thanks for the youtube pointer, I'm spending more time on there already. Lots of good info, some not so good too. ;)
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 4

Post by ChefSimon »


I would advise you do some tests with the cheaper bags before committing your stock to them. As a Chef I've used vac bags for a few years sometimes the cheaper bags let the air in and spoil the food if they are thin.

If you are planning on a long term storage of a dried item you can throw a silicon gel bag in with the dried foods which just helps with any moisture.

As for my preps this week I've started planning and building the frame for my square foot garden. Planning on 2x 2ft square raised beds for the back garden which I aim aiming to get planted in the new year.

Having lost my job in the last 2 days and not knowing when I will be getting back into employment the food I grow will be coming in handy!
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 4

Post by Deeps »

ChefSimon wrote:Deeps,

I would advise you do some tests with the cheaper bags before committing your stock to them. As a Chef I've used vac bags for a few years sometimes the cheaper bags let the air in and spoil the food if they are thin.

If you are planning on a long term storage of a dried item you can throw a silicon gel bag in with the dried foods which just helps with any moisture.

As for my preps this week I've started planning and building the frame for my square foot garden. Planning on 2x 2ft square raised beds for the back garden which I aim aiming to get planted in the new year.

Having lost my job in the last 2 days and not knowing when I will be getting back into employment the food I grow will be coming in handy!
Thanks for the steerage on the bags, I've ordered plenty of the 'proper' stuff in the short term and I'll play around and see how I go. Sorry to hear about the job mate, shit time of year to get your jotters. Only cloud is there's always a need for 'scran assassins', it might not the gig you're after but you'll be unlikely to be able to put your feet up for long, good luck with it.