Do not rely on RAC to get you home.

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Re: Do not rely on RAC to get you home.

Post by grenfell »

I'm with green flag and only had to call them out once but was happy with the service none the less. I lost the nearside wheels off my trailer on the motorway in Derbyshire and when i say lost i really mean lost as all eight wheel studs were sheared off and the wheels were nowhere to be seen and i'd dragged it about half a mile on the rims , smart motorway no hard shoulder. Green flag sent out a local contractor and he was fine and would have taken me all the way home although we asked him to drop it at a friends farm that was closer.
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Re: Do not rely on RAC to get you home.

Post by featherstick »

Might be worth contacting a consumer affairs rep in the media. The Guardian has a column that regularly sorts people's claims out, just been reading one about John Lewis flooding a flat and not taking responsibility.
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Arwen Thebard
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Re: Do not rely on RAC to get you home.

Post by Arwen Thebard »

We broke down on the A14 (dual carriageway) a few years ago and that particular section of road has a gravel filled ditch a few feet off the tarmac which meant our car needed to stay at least partly on the tarmac. As a blue badge holder we are supposed to be offered priority attendance from the RAC......unfortunately it took them just under two hours to arrive. :cry:

The worst part however was the advice of the woman who took the details in the call centre. She told us to remain INSIDE the car, despite my explaining to her the dangerous place it was parked. I even checked that she had NOT said "remain WITH the vehicle" or "remain near the vehicle". Nope, she told us to stay inside the vehicle despite it being 25% on the tarmac with HGVs passing at 60MPH and cars at over 70MPH.

Needless to say we retired to the safety of the embankment.

We did follow it up and got a verbal telephone apology from the RAC which they also put in writing.
Arwen The Bard

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Re: Do not rely on RAC to get you home.

Post by Jeffjones297 »

I called out the rac one Fri evening at 4:30 ish, they delayed n delayed until at 11:30 that night and them still not saying when they could help me, I gave up and told them I would ring sat am and start again (it was cold, I was cold and fed up).
I got a lift home, from my daughter and rang again first thing sat about 8 am, they did pretty much the same, "with you in 90 minutes" 90 minutes later, "with you in 90 minutes" etc etc.
I finally got my car towed to a local garage (it was obviously a clutch issue) about 3pm that afternoon, nearly 24 hrs after originally breaking down.
I'm with the AA now, I was not impressed.