Carly Barton had a stroke at the age of 24, and subsequently developed fibromyalgia - after 6 years of trying not to scream while waiting for the next dose of painkiller, she smoked a joint, and bingo. Pain went away. She's been through the whole "legal prescription" and "private prescription" thing - the article covers it really well, and the only way to manage has been to grow her own. So she's done it,and informed her local police in writing of exactly what she's growing: “I handed them a signed piece of paper disclosing exactly the location, what strains and weights I had been prescribed, committing to grow only those strains, and anything I grow above and beyond that I will personally come and hand in for amnesty.”
I'm not sure if anyone on here is in pain in this sort of way, but we've certainly talked about DIY medication of various sorts if it becomes unavailable. She's meeting with local police commissioner next week,and wants to spread the scheme nationally. It's not exactly prepping in the classic sense, but it's certainly self care and not trusting the system