Cannabis for pain relief

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Cannabis for pain relief

Post by Arzosah »

Interesting article in The Guardian today ... l-cannabis

Carly Barton had a stroke at the age of 24, and subsequently developed fibromyalgia - after 6 years of trying not to scream while waiting for the next dose of painkiller, she smoked a joint, and bingo. Pain went away. She's been through the whole "legal prescription" and "private prescription" thing - the article covers it really well, and the only way to manage has been to grow her own. So she's done it,and informed her local police in writing of exactly what she's growing: “I handed them a signed piece of paper disclosing exactly the location, what strains and weights I had been prescribed, committing to grow only those strains, and anything I grow above and beyond that I will personally come and hand in for amnesty.”

I'm not sure if anyone on here is in pain in this sort of way, but we've certainly talked about DIY medication of various sorts if it becomes unavailable. She's meeting with local police commissioner next week,and wants to spread the scheme nationally. It's not exactly prepping in the classic sense, but it's certainly self care and not trusting the system :D
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Re: Cannabis for pain relief

Post by Appin »

Watch out if you do decide to try a cannabis oil preparation.

They are very fashionable at present as the answer to everything. One big issue isquality control. what you get can vary massively.

Other big issue is the stuff can interact with other medication.IOt does not play well with other meds.

Check carefully.
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Re: Cannabis for pain relief

Post by Plymtom »

I'm well aware of the benefits for people with long term illnesses such as CFS, MS , EDS, etc I have known many people who used it, the downside is you are smoking and we all know that has big drawbacks, as for CBD oil and difficulties getting it on prescription? There are so many people out there who have a legitimate need for the stuff that I fear the NHS would bankrupt itself the price it is, perhaps this is why prescriptions are hard to come by?
As usual someone stands to make a great deal of money.
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Re: Cannabis for pain relief

Post by Arzosah »

Appin wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2019 10:46 pm Watch out if you do decide to try a cannabis oil preparation.

They are very fashionable at present as the answer to everything. One big issue isquality control. what you get can vary massively.

Other big issue is the stuff can interact with other medication.IOt does not play well with other meds.

Check carefully.
Good points! I'm not thinking of trying it for myself, my personal issue is fatigue, not pain. Very good point about quality control on the black market - either it's cut with something toxic, or its an ordinary herb, or its skank, the new much stronger variant.

Interaction, absolutely - now that its legal in some states of the US, I wonder if there's research being done over there...
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Re: Cannabis for pain relief

Post by Arzosah »

Plymtom wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2019 5:45 am I'm well aware of the benefits for people with long term illnesses such as CFS, MS , EDS, etc I have known many people who used it, the downside is you are smoking and we all know that has big drawbacks,
Another good point - though ordinary cannabis was never solely smoked, it can be baked into stuff. Though if I had severe fibromyalgia or epilepsy that left me bedridden and helpless, I'd think the potential of issues 20 or 30 years down the line might be a price worth paying :( very sad, all the way round.
as for CBD oil and difficulties getting it on prescription? There are so many people out there who have a legitimate need for the stuff that I fear the NHS would bankrupt itself the price it is, perhaps this is why prescriptions are hard to come by?
Which is appalling. People living in this level of pain, or epileptics who're fitting tens of times a day, don't make good campaigners, they're too busy surviving :( As we all know, "the system" is a bit broken.
As usual someone stands to make a great deal of money.
Well, they certainly will if the existing drug companies are the only ones allowed to supply the medicine - the cost of private prescriptions mentioned in the article makes that very clear. But the sufferer in the article is growing her own for a total cost of about £80, and has committed to hand to the police anything in excess of her own needs.
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Re: Cannabis for pain relief

Post by Arwen Thebard »

Grow your own and bake cookies. You might put on weight with the munchies but you wont damage your lungs.

It will be interesting to see how that case develops.
Arwen The Bard

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Re: Cannabis for pain relief

Post by Plymtom »

Arwen Thebard wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2019 9:03 pm Grow your own and bake cookies. You might put on weight with the munchies but you wont damage your lungs.


It will be interesting to see how that case develops.
I would be cautious of eating or drinking it, I knew someone who did that, the effects can take some time to come on, this person joined a que in a shop and forgot what they were in it for at their turn, like alcohol it can be too late by the time you realize that you've had too much, still I suppose if practiced it must be better for you than smoking.
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Re: Cannabis for pain relief

Post by ForgeCorvus »

I remember reading about an MS sufferer who used to drink hers as a tea, gets into the system faster then eating it..... Doesn't taste as good as brownies though
jennyjj01 wrote:"I'm not in the least bit worried because I'm prepared: Are you?"
Londonpreppy wrote: At its core all prepping is, is making sure you're not down to your last sheet of loo roll when you really need a poo.
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Re: Cannabis for pain relief

Post by Arzosah »

ForgeCorvus wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2019 6:40 pm I remember reading about an MS sufferer who used to drink hers as a tea, gets into the system faster then eating it..... Doesn't taste as good as brownies though
That might be a good idea: treats the symptoms earlier, and you with practice you know when you've had the right amount more exactly. Plus, it just depends on heating water, not cooking :shock: for us non-cooks.
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Re: Cannabis for pain relief

Post by Insulin »

Sorry for reviving this thread. Couldn't find another about cannabis.

Did anyone actually try it for pain relief? Does it really work, or is it all just marketing?