Rejigging storage here, making better use of the new space I've got in the kitchen - I have a friend from London coming to stay in mid-March, and there's literally nowhere for her to sleep at the moment, the new bed is buried under all sorts of rubbish. And I want some preps out of there, to lower the "crazy" quotient
Most activity right now is for the real-world catastrophe of end-of-year tax declarations

I thought I was being useless, but the website was playing up, apparently. My laptop runs slower than if it worked by clockwork. And I've just broken my mouse, and the mousepad doesn't work very well. Ahem. So thats all three of my big tech items (phone, kindle, laptop) to be renewed in the course of a month

and oh, my camera is seizing up. What joy
Still got to remember not to abandon the garden - things are growing! Including the brambles that have just been cut back and not dug up yet