What Preps are you doing this week? Part 7.

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What Preps are you doing this week? Part 7.

Post by pseudonym »

Well, another year another thread started.

Hope you all prep wise, prep often and prep on..... :mrgreen:
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 7.

Post by ForgeCorvus »

Changed batteries in the smoke detectors..... That way I can remember when I last did them :lol:

Happy Calender Advancement Day
To you all

jennyjj01 wrote:"I'm not in the least bit worried because I'm prepared: Are you?"
Londonpreppy wrote: At its core all prepping is, is making sure you're not down to your last sheet of loo roll when you really need a poo.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 7.

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

Well years of workplace training just went out the window .. popped toaster on .. big pop all sockets went off thanks to the RCBO (RCD circuit breaker) whisps of smoke from said toaster. My lovely yellow stickered tea cakes hadn't even started to tan :( .... Pulled plug and poured the contents of the kettle into it then dumped it in the sink :lol: big fire blanket and extinguisher on the wall and I went primate.... (In my defense I unplugged it first)
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 7.

Post by PreppingPingu »

Well, with the shortest day been and gone, the new year started, thoughts have turned to spring and the future growing season so my preps involved getting some finer grade chicken wire and a couple of post spikes to repair and fix the fence round the allotment ready for spring planting. At least 2 posts have rotted at the base and I gotta keep the rabbits and deer out! I'm preparing in advance this year so I can really get cracking when the time comes. Also the ground isn't frozen atm and the excess water has drained off so now's a good time to fix it. I'm planning what I want to grow so again I can be ready to buy seeds/seed potatoes. As I've used up some food from the freezer over Christmas, I have a little bit of space so I am turning my stored veg into soup to freeze as I'm not sure how much longer some of the veg will stay good in it's sand filled boxes. The spuds I used for Christmas day roasties weren't as firm as they were when I stored them.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 7.

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

Joys of modern cars mines lost about 400ml of coolant somewhere ( between the week before Christmas and last night god knows where I've not been far over Christmas) I've been all over it just hope it's not the head gasket (shouldn't be on a 30,000 mile car :? It did the same when it was a year old but that was 3 years ago...

Anyway 5l of the manufacturers specific antifreeze/ Coolant ordered (no local shops stock it suprise suprise.....)

Why do they omit things on new cars like temperature gauges by the time a red lights lit it's already very hot.... Not that it's ever got that hot but it's a good early warning

So £25 I've added a obd gauge

https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OBD-Meter-OB ... SwkfRdwAWX

Which from experience gives a bit of early warning should it decide to dump it's coolant especially with this little gauge as you can set alarms for drops in oil pressure or coolant temperature a very clever bit of kit if you have a bit of mechanical knowledge requires no real wiring it plugs into the diagnostic port which are on most cars since 2001 and sticks somewhere on the dash
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 7.

Post by jansman »

I find a lack of temperature guage to be a bit concerning too Andy.Having had a van dump it's coolant in the past,and the temp guage gave me the chance to ave the engine.I have always thought that a modern car would be cooked by the time the problem flagged up.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 7.

Post by DustyDog »

Fitted diesel heater in my camper/full time home, just got to get around to boxing all the bits in, keeping new leisure battery charged up, harder in winter when solar panel does almost sod all. Going to go through all my tinned foods and get them sorted and make room for new stuff. It’s a new year so time to get my prepping sorted been very lax the last year, spending all spare time van converting.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 7.

Post by diamond lil »

Lovely thick heavy snow up here this morning, so my preps will be (another) day sitting at the fire doing nowt :mrgreen:
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 7.

Post by Arwen Thebard »

Time of year to re evaluate the general health, fitness and diet routine. The most important prep of all IMO.

I managed to loose over a stone last year and plan to do the same in the next 12 months using a combination of basic portion control and daily exercise, with a hefty dose of determination thrown in.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 7.

Post by Arzosah »

Rejigging storage here, making better use of the new space I've got in the kitchen - I have a friend from London coming to stay in mid-March, and there's literally nowhere for her to sleep at the moment, the new bed is buried under all sorts of rubbish. And I want some preps out of there, to lower the "crazy" quotient :(

Most activity right now is for the real-world catastrophe of end-of-year tax declarations :mrgreen: I thought I was being useless, but the website was playing up, apparently. My laptop runs slower than if it worked by clockwork. And I've just broken my mouse, and the mousepad doesn't work very well. Ahem. So thats all three of my big tech items (phone, kindle, laptop) to be renewed in the course of a month :( and oh, my camera is seizing up. What joy :(

Still got to remember not to abandon the garden - things are growing! Including the brambles that have just been cut back and not dug up yet :(