I have been reading the forum for a while but thought I best start to join in. I have been prepping for a while, stocked up food, dehydrate from my allotment etc, so I have food covered. I have a full ham licence M0, and have most of the bands covered, so comms are good. I'm not into the self defence and arming up side but my rottweiler is quite keen on home defence! Luckily I purchase all my pandemic kit before the price rises so we are good for masks, gloves and other bits. Just dreaming of which gas mask to buy... but I have too much to pay for at the allotment for toys. Also I am hoping to instal a solar system soon when money allows but this prepping this takes time...
Charli x
Hi, another radio ham here
Re: Hi, another radio ham here
Welcome to the forum, it sounds like you have a good idea of what works for you, its the busy time of year for the allotment, good luck with the solar set up, I've been humming and hawing over one myself for a couple years, got most the bits and bobs, just need to get the finger out.
Re: Hi, another radio ham here
Hello cbp, welcome to the forum. As Deeps says, you sound like you know what you're about. Solar set up ... I keep researching it and half understanding what needs to be done, even buying a solar panel (which is probably out of date in size now, I'm afraid) but not going any further. Getting a solar set up established would be a brilliant prep for *so* many eventualities, good for you.