What Preps are you doing this week? Part 8.

How are you preparing
Yorkshire Andy
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What Preps are you doing this week? Part 8.

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

We'll let's hope for a much better year in 2021 :mrgreen:

My most recent prep / new toy my Chinese 12v diesel heater currently keeping me warm in the workshop

Fill with diesel

Connect to a decent 12v battery or mains PSU

FOLLOW a few YouTube videos on how to set it up and well warm as toast...

Originally designed as night heaters for lorries and camper vans some bright spark has made a stand alone unit. Just needs to exhaust safely but warm air can then be ducted into the shed / outbuilding / house..

Got a co alarm in here too just to be safe

Mines currently exhausting out a hole in the shed wall need to put another hole in for the combustion inlet Tomorrow...
This particular one belts out about 5kw of diesel heat on full chat my toes are lovely and warm it automatically throttles back when a set temperature is reached too
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 8.

Post by ForgeCorvus »

Goodbye 2020
Hello 2021...... The year we go mainstream :lol:

Got a few useful tools during the recent present exchange season, so now I have to re-jig my workspace to accommodate them (the idea is to be able to stand at the big vice and reach the things I'm most likely to need there or to open the door and get the tools I'm most likely to need elsewhere).
jennyjj01 wrote:"I'm not in the least bit worried because I'm prepared: Are you?"
Londonpreppy wrote: At its core all prepping is, is making sure you're not down to your last sheet of loo roll when you really need a poo.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 8.

Post by hobo »

Started a list of daily prep things to do or practice. Today I updated my first aid kits and put on order in for missing items, tomorrow I’ll practice fire making (I’m so out of practice) and cook a camp meal, Sunday I’ll sort a tub of out-of-date cyalumes and test samples. You get the idea ((I have a month’s worth of jobs already).
Yorkshire Andy
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 8.

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

Well preps tested this morning.. burst water main a couple of houses down.....

Remember to keep the local water / gas/ electric boards numbers in your phone......

Fortunately the water went the other way and flooded the allotments and not into any homes.

Bath was filled kettle was filled plus the camping water barrels ..

All fine now water isolated , sub station stayed dry so no loss of utilities
If your roughing it, Your doing it wrong ;)

Lack of planning on your part doesn't make it an emergency on mine
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 8.

Post by jansman »

Went fishing today. Boy, it was cold! What’s that got to do with prepping? That fishing trip reminded me why I DON’T plan to ‘Bug out to the woods’ as so many Preppers think they will in a crisis. The angler next to me commented that if anyone ended up in the water, they wouldn’t have five minutes ( there was ice on the lake).

I had all the right gear, lots of grub and constant brew, and was burning calories like crazy. I did catch by the way. :D
I did use my car kit though. Torch this morning,emergency charger for the phone ( battery doesn’t like the cold) and my dragon fire stove for keeping a brew going when I emptied the flask.
Just an observation.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 8.

Post by Arzosah »

jansman wrote: Sat Jan 02, 2021 3:51 pm Went fishing today. Boy, it was cold! What’s that got to do with prepping? That fishing trip reminded me why I DON’T plan to ‘Bug out to the woods’ as so many Preppers think they will in a crisis.
I went out for a walk at about 4pm (streets are quieter around then!). And I was thinking that very same thing :) My walk is a prep too: I'm purposefully walking much faster than I used to, especially on the hills, to get a bit of fitness training going.

For my own preps - the rate of infection per 100k is *so* high around here now, I delayed my supermarket delivery for a week, mostly frozen food. I've got such stocks of dried and frozen already, it just seemed superfluous.

I've also packed up a few books to sell on webuybooks - you get literally pennies for them, a couple of quid for a hardback - but all the hassle of selling them individually on Amazon etc disappears. One set of books in a box, label printed, bloke collects it from my front door, and shazam, money appears in my account the next day. This is the 3rd set of books. Creates some space in my office.
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 8.

Post by jansman »

Arzosah wrote: Sat Jan 02, 2021 8:08 pm
jansman wrote: Sat Jan 02, 2021 3:51 pm Went fishing today. Boy, it was cold! What’s that got to do with prepping? That fishing trip reminded me why I DON’T plan to ‘Bug out to the woods’ as so many Preppers think they will in a crisis.
I went out for a walk at about 4pm (streets are quieter around then!). And I was thinking that very same thing :) My walk is a prep too: I'm purposefully walking much faster than I used to, especially on the hills, to get a bit of fitness training going.

For my own preps - the rate of infection per 100k is *so* high around here now, I delayed my supermarket delivery for a week, mostly frozen food. I've got such stocks of dried and frozen already, it just seemed superfluous.

I've also packed up a few books to sell on webuybooks - you get literally pennies for them, a couple of quid for a hardback - but all the hassle of selling them individually on Amazon etc disappears. One set of books in a box, label printed, bloke collects it from my front door, and shazam, money appears in my account the next day. This is the 3rd set of books. Creates some space in my office.
Keeping fit, keeping sane , and working around and with the virus is the way forward IMO. As you are doing Arzosah. Distance, face coverings and good hygiene- frankly- are the only safe bet right now.
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

Robert Frost.

Covid 19: After that level of weirdness ,any situation is certainly possible.

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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 8.

Post by jansman »

After doing my usual Sunday morning ' yard work', the weather turned nasty.So I did a job I have been putting off ; planned this year's vegetable garden.I made a list of what I am growing,and drew up a crop plan.Half of my garden is now a Square-Foot system ( it means I dont over- produce for the two of us),so I fitted my crops in according to accepted companion planting wisdom.It will provide us with a nice selection.

I am so glad that I purchased compost and seeds well ahead of time.If what I see on the news is correct,then Boris will be bringing in tighter restrictions ( Covid 19),and last year I got caught out.I had to grow what I could with what seed I had- saved and purchased.I was going to buy a lot of plants to save time,and as it happened I got put on furlough! With any luck,it might happen again :lol:
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

Robert Frost.

Covid 19: After that level of weirdness ,any situation is certainly possible.

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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 8.

Post by Arzosah »

jansman wrote: Sun Jan 03, 2021 6:08 pm After doing my usual Sunday morning ' yard work', the weather turned nasty.So I did a job I have been putting off ; planned this year's vegetable garden.I made a list of what I am growing,and drew up a crop plan.Half of my garden is now a Square-Foot system ( it means I dont over- produce for the two of us),so I fitted my crops in according to accepted companion planting wisdom.It will provide us with a nice selection.
Nice one, jansman! I'm not quite doing that yet, but my fencer is delivering the materials he needs to work with on Tuesday, and starting work on Wednesday - after that, I know exactly what I've got, and where I've got it, and I know it's not going to be disturbed and trodden on. I've got all the seeds I need, most of the compost, bark chippings for later on, I've even got proper fence paint for the new fence :mrgreen:
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Re: What Preps are you doing this week? Part 8.

Post by diamond lil »

I need a fence too Arzosah, and a guy up the road does fencing. I'm scared to ask for a quote in case I faint with horror..