After one day of forced inactivity,I got out into my garden yesterday for a breath of air. As a result,the compost heaps have been turned out,and the deep litter in the fowl run turned back into the empty bins. The bean trenches are dug,filled and ready to go. Very satisfying work.
In the afternoon I sat with paper and pencil,and planned my growing campaign for 2022. I am keeping it very simple ; pretty much,spuds,beans and greens ,and our beloved Winter squash. Half the garden is perennial,so it makes it all quite productive. This year is going to be economically tough for all but the wealthiest I fear ,so the garden this year will be ‘no frills’ ,with as little expense as possible. Seeds are in stock ,and our seed potatoes will be the small ones from the sack in the pantry.I find that second- grown seed can often be more vigorous. My first earlies are in store outside from last year’s crop.
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.
Robert Frost.
Covid 19: After that level of weirdness ,any situation is certainly possible.