Recipe Success

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Recipe Success

Post by jennyjj01 »

Not strictly a prepping post. sorry.

I have a massive crop of chard, which I've never persuaded Mr J or Elderly family member to try. Till today.

And they are not big on curries or spices. But we preppers know how much we can achieve with just a hint of flavouring.

So, anyway, Tonight's dinner: Using some pre-prepared frozen and pantry scoff.

An indian style curry of three components:-

Dish 1: A sachet of Veg Biriani from Home Bargain: 89p Zero effort. Boring on its own.

Dish 2: A veg side dish of Okra mild veg curry with Chard. I used a handlull of previously blanched and frozen okra, a generous handful of my home grown chard, just one home grown tomato and one onion, and a handful of dehydrated ( yellow label) cherry tomatoes, with just a few spices. Recipe: Shmecipe

Dish 3: Meat dish of a handful of diced lamb made into a curry with half a leftover pepper and half an onion, with just a couple of teaspoons of spices. Lobbed in a few bits of frozen coriander from my harvest.

I won't bother giving a recipe, because my point is that with just a hint of spice, and the confidence of a prepper chef, we can make a feast. I drew my Inspiration from the great 'Al's kitchen'

Not a faithfully reproduced recipe!

Tonight, I was cooking for myself, but Mr J tried it and kept coming back to sample it. I was shocked that Mr Culinary Conservative was ready to steal and re-steal my lash up. I don't know whether it was technically a balti, a named curry or what, It was just delish.

I think, what I'm getting at, is just 'speriment. JFDI. Find ways of using those stockpile ingredients and bits from the freezer, and get family on board. Seriously. Improvise, ' speriment, and Use those prep foods! Use them now!

Total ingredients: Serves two

About 300g Frozen diced Lamb.
About 300g Frozen blanched Okra
Great big handful fresh Chard
1 Onion
1 Tomato ( should have used 2 )
half a leftover yellow pepper.
Handful of dried tomatoes
2 Tbsp squirt of tomato puree
1/2 Tsp Dehydrated red mild chilli.
about 1/2 teaspoon each of Cumin, Coriander, Curry powder, Chilli powder, salt, pepper.
1 Sachet Indi Grand Biriani
Glug of oil
Cup of water.

3 dishes, 2 portions, 1 feast.
Graceful Degradation! Prepping's objective summed up in two words. Turning Disaster into Mild Inconvenience by the power of fore-thought

Not Feeling Optimistic. Let me be wrong