Pakistan. .. NEXT ?

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Re: Pakistan. .. NEXT ?

Post by jansman »

jennyjj01 wrote: Sat Aug 12, 2023 11:46 am I'll let the moderators decide whether they want such opinion pieces. If they do, they could neatly split the thread. If they don't, then we will know to stop our hand wringing on the forum.
Personally I can’t see the point in opening up threads of personal “opinions “.My comment here - that stressing about news is pointless- was because this very thread is one whole year old. In that time,the original suggestion that Pakistan,Bangladesh and Egypt were collapsing to the point that they were all going to be refugees that would head here hasn’t happened. Stuff happens both here and other countries. Our own economy is a big worry and far more so than anywhere else,as we live here! It’s why we are ‘UK Preppers’ :roll:

What is important,is what is happening now,in this country.I’ll bet Pakistanis think we are perfect in our fast collapsing economy.We ain’t! When we get over that and are absolutely perfect :lol: then maybe we worry about every other country!

So no. I don’t think - in fact we are not -going to turn into a forum of opinion pieces. The moderators have to fight constantly to prevent politics here. This is no different. That is,doing impressions of Mystic Meg ,suggesting what * might* happen ( three countries didn’t send refugees in the last 12 months ,and our own economic crisis is our own fault) Continuing with practical ideas and suggestions of prepping for situations in the UK is the original plan of this forum.

So I am not ,for instance,going to stress about potential world food shortages.Cannot change it. Can prepare though.There’s going to be shortages here because of the weather in the UK.I’ll make sure my garden is doing well instead.

By all means point out a rice shortage for example,in the countries that produce it. Then you can stock up. My point was that stressing about that country is a waste of time. Here and now is what counts.

I am going to lift some spuds from the garden… :D
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

Robert Frost.

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Re: Pakistan. .. NEXT ?

Post by jennyjj01 »

Cheers, Jansman. I hear you.

Mystic Meg indeed :roll: it's Kassandra to you! :twisted:
Graceful Degradation! Prepping's objective summed up in two words. Turning Disaster into Mild Inconvenience by the power of fore-thought

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Re: Pakistan. .. NEXT ?

Post by jansman »

jennyjj01 wrote: Sun Aug 13, 2023 7:58 pm Cheers, Jansman. I hear you.

Mystic Meg indeed :roll: it's Kassandra to you! :twisted:
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

Robert Frost.

Covid 19: After that level of weirdness ,any situation is certainly possible.
