An Initial Guide to the Identification of Mushrooms & Toadstools

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An Initial Guide to the Identification of Mushrooms & Toadstools

Post by Frnc »

This is more like a booklet, it's only 40 pages, which means it's very light in weight, and takes up no space in a bag. The cover is thin card and seems to have a thin laminate coating.

This book is a fungi key. A key is a step by step way to identify. The book takes you as far as genus. A genus (plural genera) is the rank above species, ie a genus will contain several or many species. It's a good start. There are over 3000 species in Britain. This covers about 75 genera. It has a few colour photos, some large, some small. Once you know the genus you have made good progress, you know where to look in other books to try to find the species. You know some genera are full of toxic mushrooms eg Amanita. The book takes you to this genus via two routes on Key 1A.

Keys 1A-D reliey on spore prints, but it's still a book people might want to carry because it's so light and compact.

ID starts with 9 basic types, 8 of which have a typical photo (the 9th is mushrooms with a jelly-like or rubbery texture).

Then you go to one of 9 keys. Each key is a flow chart with questions. Key 1 is divided into 4 subkeys A-D. Each key takes you to the genera.

It's about £9 or £12 with free postage on Amazon ... h-edition/