jansman wrote: ↑Fri Oct 14, 2022 6:19 pm
I love goats. Unfortunately,now I have no suitable land,I cannot keep them anymore. Mind you,if the economy goes wrong,then I do know who to ask for some ‘space’

In my game,I know how to make money from such livestock. In fact my rabbits are doing me some good right now,as this time of year,they become wanted!
When I started this thread ,I did not expect it to become a daily criticism of our current government!

Quite obviously,one of our members is turning it into a daily news of a government he doesn’t like! Sorry ,but that’s how it seems,AND ITS GETTING BORING!
Twice,I mentioned Argentina and the book that described how the population dealt with the economic crash - REGARDLESS OF POLITICIANS!
Unfortunately ,this thread seems to have turned into a hatred - scheme about UK gubbermint.

Make a change FRNC!
So come on Preppers and real survivalists; What will YOU do to survive a smashed economy? WITHOUT slagging the alleged leaders!
I’ll start it. My pension ( private) seems to have shrunk,and government issues appear to have had a bit towards the issue. Moaning here won’t change that! Mrs J and me want to semi retire next year. INSTEAD OF PENSION ISSUES we are looking at downshifting property and the like. We have a plan!
Back in the early 80’s Economic Collapse was forecast for the early years in the 21st century. Not far off the mark,as 2008 was a massive hit from the … you all know! Back then ,I got real in effort to pay this place off. Believe me,I am not rich,nor my wife. However,we paid off ( it left us 50 quid in the bank!) and we sold our car off and had no holiday for three years. Angry? No! We looked after ourselves. We survived,because we could see crap coming.
And that crap is here. So what PRACTICAL stuff will you do to deal with the demise of the UK economy: rather than whinging about the daily political ‘news’?