Burns kit

Medical and Healthcare
Moorland Prepper
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Burns kit

Post by Moorland Prepper »

I seem to have got most of the basics for first aid with the exception of anything to deal with burns. There are many burns kits on the market, so many, that I'm confused by the choice. Any recomendations please, or am I better of buying individual items and if so, which?

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Re: Burns kit

Post by Frnc »

All I have is one of these.
I just replaced my old one, they have expiry dates.

I believe the recommened thing for small finger burns is to hold under a cold tap for several minutes and then put a plaster or finger bandage on.

Could do with brushing up on my first aid.
Yorkshire Andy
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Re: Burns kit

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

If you have Clean running water . Big roll of cling film....

20 mins under cool water then wrap in cling film (loosely not tightly)

Then off to hospital.

Away from water burns gell

https://www.amazon.co.uk/RedRelief-Emer ... 50&sr=8-10

Either just the gell and cling film

Or the burns dressings and a crape bandage

https://www.amazon.co.uk/Reliance-Medic ... pons&psc=1
If your roughing it, Your doing it wrong ;)

Lack of planning on your part doesn't make it an emergency on mine
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Re: Burns kit

Post by jansman »

Yorkshire Andy wrote: Tue Oct 11, 2022 12:23 pm If you have Clean running water . Big roll of cling film....

20 mins under cool water then wrap in cling film (loosely not tightly)

Then off to hospital.

Away from water burns gell

https://www.amazon.co.uk/RedRelief-Emer ... 50&sr=8-10

Either just the gell and cling film

Or the burns dressings and a crape bandage

https://www.amazon.co.uk/Reliance-Medic ... pons&psc=1
Bang on Andy. Training makes such problems more simple. We have burn kits at work.I am the only bu&&er who is trained,and when a cook or baker burns themselves,cold water and cling film is the way…
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

Robert Frost.

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Moorland Prepper
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Re: Burns kit

Post by Moorland Prepper »

Thanks for the ideas, I'll check then out
Then off to hospital.
Certainly but not always that easy or advisable in some circumstances which is why i want to stock up on a few basics. I've been doing a few YouTube videos about first aid and interestingly the one from the Red Cross uses cling film:


Can anyone explain why it's so effective - I'm baffled?
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Re: Burns kit

Post by jansman »

A burn above a ten pence piece needs medical intervention.
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

Robert Frost.

Covid 19: After that level of weirdness ,any situation is certainly possible.

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Re: Burns kit

Post by ForgeCorvus »

moorland prepper wrote: Can anyone explain why it's so effective - I'm baffled?
It covers the burn protecting it from infection and preventing it from drying out. Its also less likely to stick to the burn then fabric......... Thats what I can remember from my FAAW.

As Jansman said, Bigger then a thumbprint needs medical attention.
Bigger then their palm is an emergency.
jennyjj01 wrote:"I'm not in the least bit worried because I'm prepared: Are you?"
Londonpreppy wrote: At its core all prepping is, is making sure you're not down to your last sheet of loo roll when you really need a poo.
"All Things Strive" Gd Tak 'Gar
Yorkshire Andy
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Re: Burns kit

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

ForgeCorvus wrote: Tue Oct 11, 2022 6:19 pm
moorland prepper wrote: Can anyone explain why it's so effective - I'm baffled?
It covers the burn protecting it from infection and preventing it from drying out. Its also less likely to stick to the burn then fabric......... Thats what I can remember from my FAAW.

As Jansman said, Bigger then a thumbprint needs medical attention.
Bigger then their palm is an emergency.

Main thing with cling film is it keeps air off the nerve endings so reduces pain
If your roughing it, Your doing it wrong ;)

Lack of planning on your part doesn't make it an emergency on mine
Moorland Prepper
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Re: Burns kit

Post by Moorland Prepper »

Thanks, that cling film thing really had me baffled :)
Yorkshire Andy
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Re: Burns kit

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

As for medical intervention

From the NHS

Once you have taken these steps, you'll need to decide whether further medical treatment is necessary.

Go to a hospital accident and emergency (A&E) department for:

large burns bigger than the size of the affected person's hand
deep burns of any size that cause white or charred skin
burns on the face, neck, hands, feet, any joints, or genitals
all chemical and electrical burns
any other injuries that need treating
any signs of shock – symptoms include cold, clammy skin, sweating, rapid, shallow breathing, and weakness or dizziness
You should also go to hospital if you or the person who has been burned:

is under the age of 10
has a medical condition, such as heart, lung or liver disease, or diabetes
has a weakened immune system (the body's defence system) – for example, because of HIV or AIDS, or because they're having chemotherapy for cancer
If someone has breathed in smoke or fumes, they should also get medical attention at hospital.
If your roughing it, Your doing it wrong ;)

Lack of planning on your part doesn't make it an emergency on mine