Reality kicking in..

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Re: Reality kicking in..

Post by Frnc »

Omg just seen people on twitter saying their rooms are below 10°. One was 4°.
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Re: Reality kicking in..

Post by jennyjj01 »

Frnc wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 6:49 pm Omg just seen people on twitter saying their rooms are below 10°. One was 4°.
That's insane for living space. I think many central heating systems kick in at 10° just to stop them freezing up.
Below 10 Hypothermia is a serious risk. ... emperature

Graceful Degradation! Prepping's objective summed up in two words. Turning Disaster into Mild Inconvenience by the power of fore-thought

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Re: Reality kicking in..

Post by Frnc »

jennyjj01 wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 7:07 pm
Frnc wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 6:49 pm Omg just seen people on twitter saying their rooms are below 10°. One was 4°.
That's insane for living space. I think many central heating systems kick in at 10° just to stop them freezing up.
Below 10 Hypothermia is a serious risk. ... emperature

Yeah, is crazy.
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Re: Reality kicking in..

Post by GeeGee »

Yorkshire Andy has a valid point
Peoples homes will be cold and damp.. pipes freezing over people having respiratory problems..becoming ill from other things ..what a horrible time it will be for so many
We dont have any central heating on at all but we do have the log burner which is situated in the middle of the House so the chimney runs straight up heating the two bedrooms sufficiently...
Grandson begs to come here after school to put his socks in front of fire as they've been wet on his feet all day
Hospitals may have a few to deal with this year if people begin to suffer from the effects of hypothermia
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Re: Reality kicking in..

Post by jennyjj01 »

GeeGee wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 8:33 pm Yorkshire Andy has a valid point
Peoples homes will be cold and damp.. pipes freezing over people having respiratory problems..becoming ill from other things ..what a horrible time it will be for so many
But how does it end?
Inflation does not just undo itself. Folks on fixed income, being hit with a wall of high and rising prices will tighten their belts. Eat less. Heat less. They'll economise and wear jumpers and snoodies.
That's this winter. But what about next winter when the prices have gone up by god knows what percentage and pensions or whatever go up by some understated CPI.
Horrible time is just the start. Next winter, the one after. There seems no light at the end of the tunnel. The government doesn't seem to have the answer.

Apocalypse now! Just a bit slow motion, but accelerating.
Graceful Degradation! Prepping's objective summed up in two words. Turning Disaster into Mild Inconvenience by the power of fore-thought

Not Feeling Optimistic. Let me be wrong
Yorkshire Andy
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Re: Reality kicking in..

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

GeeGee wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 8:33 pm Yorkshire Andy has a valid point
Peoples homes will be cold and damp.. pipes freezing over people having respiratory problems..becoming ill from other things ..what a horrible time it will be for so many
We dont have any central heating on at all but we do have the log burner which is situated in the middle of the House so the chimney runs straight up heating the two bedrooms sufficiently...
Grandson begs to come here after school to put his socks in front of fire as they've been wet on his feet all day
Hospitals may have a few to deal with this year if people begin to suffer from the effects of hypothermia
Lol kids and wet socks "little miss" now not so little at high school comes home complaining about wet feet.... Hmmm decent school shoes wet feet hmmmm

Went out on Saturday in her trainers straight through a flipping puddle...... Told her to stop complaining and look where she's walking :twisted: ..

There's nothing better than the radiant heat feeling from a open fire / burner we've installed one at work big enough to fit a body in (I know I climbed in it to fire cement the bricks in place :lol: ) it's lovely stood Infront the open door not that us preppers are pyromaniacs :mrgreen:

Older houses were not hermatically sealed draughts from wooden windows. Plus open fires and air bricks = less damp than modern homes....

Our bathroom is now mould free the council said just open the window bet they wouldn't say that now after that poor little lad died the other week :cry:

I was proactive I installed a decent extractor fan and used some decent fungicide based paint / sealant the sparky who did the eicr said he couldn't blame me and it passed muster once he knew my background he stopped his lecture on DIY electrics :lol: it's amazing when you discuss your bsi qualifications and zones he knows I'm not daft .... I was at the end of my teather when I did it he left with a few beer bottles ;)

I got a eBac dehumidifier this summer cheap second hand it's been a godsend with the damp weather to dry clothes on the airer (much cheaper than the tumble drier just dry the air use it over night a couple of times a week the living room RH has dropped from about 75%rh to about 55% using bit that way even with the fog / mist the last week.. added bonus it takes the chill off meaning when it's on the CH doesn't cut in as much obviously it's the devil of gas Vs electric but in one 4 hour period it pulled 6 pints out the air when I first switched it on ... (Yes I measured it ) :tinfoil
If your roughing it, Your doing it wrong ;)

Lack of planning on your part doesn't make it an emergency on mine
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Re: Reality kicking in..

Post by Frnc »

Regarding mould, I get a bit in the bathroom despite using an extractor fan. It won't wipe off the paint, even though the paint is supposed to be washable. I contacted the manufacturer and they said steralise the walls, then paint with water based durable acrylic eggshell. This is different to the oil based acrylic eggshell used on woodwork. It won't stop mould, but the mould should wipe off with a damp cloth. Victorian houses are supposed to breath, but I guess the layers of paint on the wall stop that.

I could get a better extractor fitted, but it would have to go in the ceiling so would be a big job. I only get a bit of mould on the outside wall, which is only a small area.
I dry the tiling and silicone with a microfibre cloth to slow down mould growth from showers. My tiling is epoxy grouted. Once every few months I spray on some HG Mould Spray on the grout and silicone. I pour it into a different sprayer as I was getting problems with theirs.

I have heard that you should just wipe off mould, as killing it releases the spores into the air. I'm not sure if that's true. But obviously if it won't wipe off, you have to use chemicals.

To steralise the walls before painting I'm going to get some Dettol Mould and Mildew Spray from Wilkos. I could use the HG but I'll save that for the shower area. The silicone round the bottom is slightly discoloured, but it's over 10 years old. The problem is if it gets black mould on it you can never get it 100% gone.
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Re: Reality kicking in..

Post by GillyBee »

We had some mould a year or two ago in the back of a built in wardrobe on an outside wall. Cleaned off the mould and wiped down with dilute bicarb of soda. (Not washed off) Dry bicarb powder also rescued a photo album caught in the mess. Mould has not returned although I do now keep an eye on that wall and try to air it out more.
If I get problems anywhere else I will definitely try bicarb again.
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Re: Reality kicking in..

Post by deckard »

I turned off the power to the extractor in our bathroom and we just open the windows; whoever installed it (I suspect one of those bathroom installation companies) put it where it vents directly into the soffit. They may as well have vented it straight into the loft.

I've not figured out a reasonable way to reroute it, I'll probably have to move it.
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Re: Reality kicking in..

Post by jennyjj01 »

Frnc wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:32 am
Once every few months I spray on some HG Mould Spray on the grout and silicone

I'm going to get some Dettol Mould and Mildew Spray from Wilkos. I could use the HG but I'll save that for the shower area. The silicone round the bottom is slightly discoloured, but it's over 10 years old. The problem is if it gets black mould on it you can never get it 100% gone.
We get black and pink mould in the tile grout and have to grind it out and regrout every year, which is a PITA. Nothing looks worse in a bathroom, but it's a constant battle. There's no vent and we ought to open the bathroom window, but we begrudge that.

Try Astonish Mould and Mildew Remover. from Home bargain or elsewhere. I don't know what's in it but it completely removes pink mould and slows down the black. You don't even need to wipe it off.

Have you noticed how black mould grows perfectly quickly in a stretchy shower hose? I have to take an electric toothbrush to that every week and the grunge that comes out! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :cry:
Graceful Degradation! Prepping's objective summed up in two words. Turning Disaster into Mild Inconvenience by the power of fore-thought

Not Feeling Optimistic. Let me be wrong