Is this real

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Is this real

Post by steptoe »

Ok i am throwing this out to Andy but to anyone do you think this si real i am thinking i might try this to see because in a shtf world if we do move to the rural area having something like this omg can you see the uses
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Re: Is this real

Post by Winterprep »

I can’t see how a 12v alternator can power a 240v motor!!! Then I’m no sparky but it looks fake to me.

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Re: Is this real

Post by grenfell »

I think both motors are rated at 240v but it still seems completely fake. I'm not at all clear what he does when he takes the washing machine motor apart but either way the idea of a perpetual motion machine is fake. There will be frictional loses and as soon as you try to extract power it will slow and stop.
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Re: Is this real

Post by jennyjj01 »

steptoe wrote: Thu Dec 15, 2022 1:35 pm Ok i am throwing this out to Andy but to anyone do you think this si real i am thinking i might try this to see because in a shtf world if we do move to the rural area having something like this omg can you see the uses
It's complete and utter bullcrap!
There's an almost infinite number of such videos on Facebook and they are just time wasting idiots.
Trust me. NONE of these can work to generate energy. They are, what used to be referred to as 'perpetual motion machines.
Don't waste one more second of your time on it.

Oh. one giveaway of many of these videos is an (sorry to be racist) Indian guy's hand tutting with his finger at how not to do it and gesturing with thumbs up etc as he demonstrates infinite free energy.

There are similar BullCrap videos showing CDs or DVDs converted to solar panels. All rubbish. You need to figure out which bit of wood has the batteries hidden in it, or where they sneaked in the mains power to drive it.

Honestly. Don't get drawn.
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Re: Is this real

Post by steptoe »

Cheers jen , i am of the if it sounds to be to good to be true 9 times out of 10 it is , the only time it wasn't was when i won a campervan but thats a long story but short version i was home alone wife working phone rang you won the camper to me going yer go f yourself i am unwell and feeling crap go away hung up , the phone goes again to the lady saying please it is true to me saying yer yer time share lol but it turns out in one of my blackout days in hospital i filled in a form for a comp to win a camper lol and wife posted it lol we won it lol , true story lol

thanks again jen as i am a novice at power stuff looking to get as much power free as i can just had our bill and well not good
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Re: Is this real

Post by GillyBee »

First rule of power/energy in physics is that it always comes from somewhere and it aways goes somewhere.
When looking at these ideas & videos that is the first question to ask.

The power can come from, Electricity, heat, movement, batteries (chemical reaction energy), solar (light), wind (movement of air) etc. And it is turned into more of the same. Usually some is wasted along the way and turns into something you do not want - Motors turn electricity into movement but power gets wasted as heat. Humans power movement from chemical reactions in their body but create heat along the way which is why we get hot when exercising. Electricity is turned into light & heat by lightbulbs of any type. No matter how efficient a conversion system is, there is ALWAYS some wasted.

The nearest thing to "free" energy is a good heat pump. This uses a small amount of power to move the energy from somewhere like the air or ground to somewhere more useful, like your house. The effect is that 250W of electricity could result in a full KW of heat in your house. Fridges do exactly the same but go the other way. They take heat energy from inside the fridge and dump it in the room using the radiator bit on the back. You never get the energy for free. You are just moving it around.

The perpetual motion people have either forgotten one of their energy inputs or they have an efficient system but have not run it long enough to see that power is still getting lost somewhere or more likely they are scamming you.
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Re: Is this real

Post by grenfell »

I had a conversation a little while ago with a friend who in all honesty is generally quite smart but was struggling with this concept. He was talking about how it would be possible to build an EV with solar panels to charge the battery , so far so good. Then he added that it would be possible to add fans to generate power from the wind that rushes past the car when it's moving. He couldn't grasp the idea that the wind is only there because the vehicle is using energy from the battery so any energy generated by wind is ultimately derived from the same battery source and there would be a negative impact energy wise.
To go back to the original question of if it's real then simply look around. Do we have power stations running on this principal ? And by we I mean the whole human race or are we still burning coal , oil or gas , are we spending vast sums on nuclear or are we powering the world with a couple of two motor generators....
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Re: Is this real

Post by steptoe »

Well thanks all for the info , see i was thinking it can't be but having worked on my own cars over the years back in the day when you could lol , i remember that a guy once rebuilt an alternator for me for my old dolomite and said to me with out it the car just stops the battery goes flat this puts the power back in the battery so i was thinking well may be the first motor puts the power in the second and hence liek the video it turns but as i say when something sounds to good to be true i 9 x out of 10 say it is .

I am new to solar and wind power and trying to learn on my feet on ways to get extra from it like charging the power stations and running laptops and other odds and sods off them charging phone and so on , every little helps i guess , and just got a bill in our first of using the heating a lot and lets say today i put me thermals on and turned the heating down a little lol yup it is running 24/7 right now for madam but knocked it down a little .
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Re: Is this real

Post by GillyBee »

No problem Steptoe.
With the example of your old car the fuel (pertol/diesel) provides the energy tat the motor uses to recharge the battery. Otherwise we might have wonderful cars that never needed filling up.
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Re: Is this real

Post by jennyjj01 »

steptoe wrote: Thu Dec 15, 2022 1:35 pm Ok i am throwing this out to Andy but to anyone do you think this si real i am thinking i might try this to see because in a shtf world if we do move to the rural area having something like this omg can you see the uses
As magic trick scams go, that's cleverly edited.

Ask yourself why he assembled it without sleeves on his arms, but put the shirt on to demo it. Granted, you can't detect any cable from his sleeves to the motor.
But then there's that beat up green box on top of the motor. Batteries in there?
Usual favourite is batteries either within the mains socket strip or enclosed within the plywood board.

Regardless. It's a scam. The publisher gets paid ad revenue by Youtube. that's why they do it, competing to be most convincing.
Graceful Degradation! Prepping's objective summed up in two words. Turning Disaster into Mild Inconvenience by the power of fore-thought

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