Is this real

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Re: Is this real

Post by grenfell »

I've just watched it again and one thing that stood out was shortly after screwing the motors to the board he plugs the green one into the socket that doesn't appear to be connected to anything yet the motor spins. Now if that motor is basically battery powered that plugging in could easily be a switching. Connect the other motor adds physical resistance to the green motor turningbut giving it a push with the piece of cord gets it spinning. Clever I suppose if untruthful.
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Re: Is this real

Post by jennyjj01 »

grenfell wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 8:56 pm I've just watched it again and one thing that stood out was shortly after screwing the motors to the board he plugs the green one into the socket that doesn't appear to be connected to anything yet the motor spins. Now if that motor is basically battery powered that plugging in could easily be a switching. Connect the other motor adds physical resistance to the green motor turningbut giving it a push with the piece of cord gets it spinning. Clever I suppose if untruthful.
I know some would say, these vids are harmless fun, but I have a very low opinion of these fraudsters. They profit from the ad revenue, while poor hapless souls mess about tearing motors to pieces wasting time and resources. We eventually get politicians and world leaders that are ignorant enough to swallow this BS and dictate policy that goes on to waste millions. E.g. presidents that learned everything about science by watching Star Trek, and leaders who proceed to issue contracts to vacuum machine manufacturers to build hospital ventilators and PPE.
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Re: Is this real

Post by pseudonym »

To be fair Star Trek has produced some belters.

Motion activated doors, Holo decks, Tricorders, tablets, communication devices, ability to talk to computers, two way teleconferencing

the list goes on. :mrgreen:
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Re: Is this real

Post by grenfell »

jennyjj01 wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 10:10 pmI know some would say, these vids are harmless fun, but I have a very low opinion of these fraudsters. They profit from the ad revenue, while poor hapless souls mess about tearing motors to pieces wasting time and resources. We eventually get politicians and world leaders that are ignorant enough to swallow this BS and dictate policy that goes on to waste millions. E.g. presidents that learned everything about science by watching Star Trek, and leaders who proceed to issue contracts to vacuum machine manufacturers to build hospital ventilators and PPE.
I suppose we could argue the merits of pseudoscience giving people hope or whatever . I'm currently having a conversation on another forum about whether reiki is a real thing or pure charlatism but how some seem to derive benefit from it which seems to fall into the same sort of thing but yes I agree in general with your opinions on the makers of these types of videos.
You second point could be quite relevant with regards to the recent news of the "breakthrough" in fusion research. News outlets were almost tripping over themselves to herald what seemed like the end of the energy crisis. Looking into it a little more deeply it seems this breakthrough has already been reached by the Joint European Jet in the UK , and other parameters reached by the likes of the Tore supra tokamak in France or the Japanese JT -60. The recent breakthrough in California seems to have counted the energy the lasers put out but ignored the amount of energy it took to charge them up. Fusion research has been around for almost seven decades and has progressed very slowly and I don't expect anything in my lifetime and probably not in my daughter's for that matter. And it won't be cheap .
Going slightly off topic but I've watched ( and enjoyed) Star Trek and what with the food replicators and such I've often thought the only industry that would be viable or for that matter needed would be power generation as anything else would come out of a replicator that's presumably programmed by AI.
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Re: Is this real

Post by steptoe »

Well i am feeling rather thick this week between that motor thing and these squirrels they are all tricking me , today the squirrels won i came in with a wet backside and frozen fingers lol yup go check the jansman post i put the story on there to give him a chuckle .

Now how to rig the bird feeder up so that when they jump on it spins and throws them flying but when bird land it does not or better still how to rig it that when the squirrel jumps on a loud bang goes off or a mousetrap or thunmder flash but not for the birds hmmm , yup the nutty professor is in my head .

I will be dreaming of spinning motors and squirrels now i am sure of it
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Re: Is this real

Post by steptoe »

grenfell wrote: Sat Dec 17, 2022 9:31 am
jennyjj01 wrote: Fri Dec 16, 2022 10:10 pmI know some would say, these vids are harmless fun, but I have a very low opinion of these fraudsters. They profit from the ad revenue, while poor hapless souls mess about tearing motors to pieces wasting time and resources. We eventually get politicians and world leaders that are ignorant enough to swallow this BS and dictate policy that goes on to waste millions. E.g. presidents that learned everything about science by watching Star Trek, and leaders who proceed to issue contracts to vacuum machine manufacturers to build hospital ventilators and PPE.
I suppose we could argue the merits of pseudoscience giving people hope or whatever . I'm currently having a conversation on another forum about whether reiki is a real thing or pure charlatism but how some seem to derive benefit from it which seems to fall into the same sort of thing but yes I agree in general with your opinions on the makers of these types of videos.
You second point could be quite relevant with regards to the recent news of the "breakthrough" in fusion research. News outlets were almost tripping over themselves to herald what seemed like the end of the energy crisis. Looking into it a little more deeply it seems this breakthrough has already been reached by the Joint European Jet in the UK , and other parameters reached by the likes of the Tore supra tokamak in France or the Japanese JT -60. The recent breakthrough in California seems to have counted the energy the lasers put out but ignored the amount of energy it took to charge them up. Fusion research has been around for almost seven decades and has progressed very slowly and I don't expect anything in my lifetime and probably not in my daughter's for that matter. And it won't be cheap .
Going slightly off topic but I've watched ( and enjoyed) Star Trek and what with the food replicators and such I've often thought the only industry that would be viable or for that matter needed would be power generation as anything else would come out of a replicator that's presumably programmed by AI.
Ah well as a man that likes a little bit of woodland magis i will say never knock it till you try it i say , jen i am or was scared of needles ok but i damaged my shoulder i mean badly i could not move i was in pain you name it but no doctors for me this was pre doctors if you get me never used one from a very young age after watching them letting my mum die of cancer , sosomeone said look man up go to this chinese lady she uses little needles in the skin you will not feel it , now by day 3 of the pian i was near crying but as i was told men do not cry yup we do , so i go in to this lady wife with me the lady takes me in to a little room with a bed and some candles and so on wife sits in the corner the lady explains in sort of english broken chinese me i am just yer yer go for it she gets out these needles my bottom was chewing the seat now these were huge and looking like blow darts in the movies so she gets my shirt off tears running from pain lays me on belly yup thne i could lol and rubs the skin with something that tingledthen well wife said she put in over 30 needles i never felt a one then some burning stuff on the needles and thenthe pots you have heard of cupping well i call them pots lol , now do not ask me what happens the next 45 mins past in seconds i was asleep the wife said snoring like a pig the lady came back removed the cups and woke me yes the pain was near gone i went back 2 more times and from that day to this never had issues there again , and thats a true story , so i will always try stuff , but as some would say the pain was gone because i wanted it gone but i don't know and to this day i will never know
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Re: Is this real

Post by grenfell »

Yes the conversation on the other forum moved to acupuncture and similar and we tending to feel that there is merit in that. It's been researched and there seems a scientific basis for it. Reiki on the other hand seems less well documented and with far less science behind it relying on "body energy" with no physical contact. Without going into too much detail I have a friend who is supposedly a level 2 practitioner and looking to do her level 3 attunement. She also claims to be able to channel reiki for animals and also to be able to do distant reiki. As much as I like her myself and several friends tend to view it as pure snakeoil. Probably doesn't help my friend has a number of health problems. Physician health thyself and all that. We seem to have moved from one sort of imaginery energy to another...
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Re: Is this real

Post by Ara »

Regarding acupuncture, there was an anaesthetist on tv some years ago who said he'd been using acupuncture to prevent nausea and vomiting post anaesthetic. He was fairly incredulous because he said there was no way he expected a result but, in his words, "it worked". He had no idea how but continued to use it as he had proved it.
As for perpetual motion machines, I would love them to be real but schoolgirl physics tells me no, they don't work.
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Re: Is this real

Post by jansman »

I can remember Alan Whicker waaay back probably 1980 ,looking at Chinese Patients who had acupuncture to have literally,heart operation and use it as pain relief! Summat there,for sure.
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Re: Is this real

Post by steptoe »

Well as i said i am not sure how it worked but it did i was so grateful this was back inthe day when i earned good money i gave the lady a £50 tip to take the pain away was amazing i mean i was in tears and yup big boys do cry the wife would tell you i was high on pain meds and still in pain , i could not lay on it nothing , as i say i was in the building trade and had loads of knocks and so on but when i went in i was shaking in fear of needles but the lady bless her a ting little chinese lady 100 if she was a day she was so good and well after the first treament i came out and managed to drive home changing gear and so on .

As to the motor thing i guess as it always says if it sounds to good to be true it is lol .

There was me saying to the wife ok lets get a new washing machine one of them you can add stuff and one that makes ironing easier hon i think you deserve it lol it will make washing easier for us lol with the idea that if she did i was having the old one in bits bare in mind it hardly gets use only 2 of us and it is less than 5 years old lol .