Bits and Bob's

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Bits and Bob's

Post by Rustyme »

Just a general chat about whatever really . Not on here very often due to charging my kindle , I have no mains or solar as yet .
I do most things on my land the old way , just hand tools . For many years I have cut all my wood for the woodburner by hand , or with a bow saw . However , a few months ago I was given an old husqvarner 36 air injection chainsaw . It had problems , but I sorted most out and now it mostly works ok . The work it has saved is unbelievable .
I can cut a weeks timber in the time it took to cut a days by hand , and I rely on the woodburner for all my heat , hot water , cooking and COFFEE !
Life off grid is very different to normal life , I am really in a state of permanent preparedness , I have to rely on myself for everything but , I live a very simple life and don't need much . Most of what I do need I can make myself , baskets , tools , bits and Bob's , a woodshed , forge , woodwork shed and a small house are the main needs atm . Does anyone else live like me , am I the only nutter ?
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Re: Bits and Bob's

Post by jansman »

I am a big fan of power, and like yourself burn a lot of wood. Chainsaws save time.
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

Robert Frost.

Covid 19: After that level of weirdness ,any situation is certainly possible.

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Re: Bits and Bob's

Post by Rustyme »

They do indeed , but also use petrol , two stroke , and chain oil , plus need chains , files and other stuff that costs money , a thing I have very little of . But they earn their keep and make my life easier , so I will try to keep it going as long as poss .
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Re: Bits and Bob's

Post by grenfell »

I don't live off grid but do the "go to work get paid" lark although sometimes I wish I didn't have the world and his wife chasing me to do work for them. On the subject of chainsaws a little while ago a customer asked if I knew how to get rid of 6litres of cooking oil. Not one to turn something down I had it thinking I could use it in simple lamps but then wondered about using it for chainsaw lubrication. I've tried it and it seems to be fine and if I'm honest I always thought spraying mineral oil all over the environment was a bit iffy so the veg oil seems much kinder too even if I'm still consuming petrol and two stroke oil.
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Re: Bits and Bob's

Post by steptoe »

Rustyme wrote: Tue Dec 20, 2022 7:00 pm am I the only nutter ?
Now in fairness to you nope i can not live the off gric life many reasons health being the biggest , as a teen and younger person before the accident hmmm yup would have loved it , i know first hand from weekend carping trips living in a tent by a lake just in nature it can stop the world from driving you mad .

I wish you all the best in the world as that life is going to be hard but depending on your age as i say , but you go for it and enjoy it like i say when we use to go carping just the fresh air living by the lake well it was so nice .

Now to your point are you the only nutter hmmmmm NOPE we all have to be a little mad to live this life if i am honest , i have been called a nutter and scare mongerer but hey when everyone was running round looking for loo rolls i sat on me loo thinking hmmm now we have 450 loo rolls on stock i wonder how long before i run out lol , same with the water 2 summers ago they were turning it off at night people moaned i just went i nthe store and brought in another 5 litre bottle lol .

Mate your only as mad as you feel someone told me
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Re: Bits and Bob's

Post by Rustyme »

I am 65 , been living like this for years . I had a smash years ago , broke neck , back , skull , all major bones , horrendous head injuries but , I am still here nearly 40 years on .
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Re: Bits and Bob's

Post by GeeGee »

Rustyme wrote: Tue Dec 20, 2022 8:24 pm I am 65 , been living like this for years . I had a smash years ago , broke neck , back , skull , all major bones , horrendous head injuries but , I am still here nearly 40 years on .
Wow ..Good for you ...your lifestyle sounds like a bit of heaven ( not ignoring the brutal hard work you put into it )
That accident must have been terrible
Can I ask if it isnt too personal ..did you live like you do before the accident ..or did it change your perception of everything and thats why you are where you are now
Youre not a nutter got it right for you
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Re: Bits and Bob's

Post by Frnc »

Interesting. I hope your chainsaw keeps on going.
I am on grid like most people, but of course I try to prepared for at least short grid down periods.
The biggest costs for me are gas, electricity and food. These have all been going up in price and my income hardly goes up at all so I'm being a bit more frugal than before.
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Re: Bits and Bob's

Post by jansman »

Rustyme wrote: Tue Dec 20, 2022 7:00 pm Just a general chat about whatever really . Not on here very often due to charging my kindle , I have no mains or solar as yet .
I do most things on my land the old way , just hand tools . For many years I have cut all my wood for the woodburner by hand , or with a bow saw . However , a few months ago I was given an old husqvarner 36 air injection chainsaw . It had problems , but I sorted most out and now it mostly works ok . The work it has saved is unbelievable .
I can cut a weeks timber in the time it took to cut a days by hand , and I rely on the woodburner for all my heat , hot water , cooking and COFFEE !
Life off grid is very different to normal life , I am really in a state of permanent preparedness , I have to rely on myself for everything but , I live a very simple life and don't need much . Most of what I do need I can make myself , baskets , tools , bits and Bob's , a woodshed , forge , woodwork shed and a small house are the main needs atm . Does anyone else live like me , am I the only nutter ?
It’s interesting how life is lived both hard and tough,and great! It’s how humans have always been. Fortunately in our day and age ,we live a little longer than the mediaeval natives who lived in our village back then .I have always been a hard and physical grafter too ,but I am not far behind you in age ,and health is/ will dictate my lifestyle. Solid fuel is MAJOR to us. It always has been ,and until I am dead,it will be. Instead of the hand saw, which it often would be,it’s a chainsaw or bench saw.

I appreciate that your power access or cash may be the issue,but saving time with that chainsaw can help you sort other stuff,and that helps your health and above all,a sit- down. As one gets older,I find that sitting and thinking can save time and energy. Good luck. ;)
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

Robert Frost.

Covid 19: After that level of weirdness ,any situation is certainly possible.

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Re: Bits and Bob's

Post by rik_uk3 »

Rusty, what do you use for lighting?
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