What temperature do you have your house.

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Re: What temperature do you have your house.

Post by hobo »

We sit near to the one storage heater in the living room. It’s on 3/4 and has managed to keep the room at 18 degrees today. The bedrooms are unheated. Lots of duvets and hot water bottles. Just like when I was a kid!
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Re: What temperature do you have your house.

Post by diamond lil »

Tiny house with fantastic draughtproofing and insulation. Gas heating and bills currently running at £70 a month so with the £67 credit we only pay £3 for now. Aftrer 30 years at 1000ft on a moor, I don't feel guilty in any way :mrgreen:
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Re: What temperature do you have your house.

Post by jennyjj01 »

diamond lil wrote: Tue Dec 27, 2022 9:21 pm Tiny house with fantastic draughtproofing and insulation. Gas heating and bills currently running at £70 a month so with the £67 credit we only pay £3 for now. Aftrer 30 years at 1000ft on a moor, I don't feel guilty in any way :mrgreen:
Bl006y h311 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: . If I could get mine down to £70 a week, after rebates, I'd be in heaven.
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Re: What temperature do you have your house.

Post by jansman »

diamond lil wrote: Tue Dec 27, 2022 9:21 pm Tiny house with fantastic draughtproofing and insulation. Gas heating and bills currently running at £70 a month so with the £67 credit we only pay £3 for now. Aftrer 30 years at 1000ft on a moor, I don't feel guilty in any way :mrgreen:
You made a good move there Lil ! ;)
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Re: What temperature do you have your house.

Post by jansman »

It’s SO interesting (to me anyway) as to how and how much folks take to stay comfortable. I cannot find the link,but basically,back in mid 70’s to mid 80’s ,was North Sea oil and gas - THATS when central heating got popular. Only 40 odd years in essence! :? The article pointed that the trend towards central heating created a new way of living. Less clothes,less curtains and carpets etc. Over to tiles,Lino,vinyl and blinds - and wandering round the house in shorts and t shirt in January!,,, :lol:

Now I am not knocking it. All personal choice.However,the complaint now is all about cost. North Sea allowed the cultural change and it was cheap. Now it ain’t,and let’s be honest,the fuels are running out . So the cost is up,and will stay up. Indeed ,I’ve been told there is another increase on 1/1/23. I guess you all have? That cost now,is making folks complain that they cannot afford to be the warmth they want or are used to.

Ironically,we are slipping back to the pre 80’s way of living , as cost ( not just in fuel ) ,goes up,and incomes are decreasing or not keeping up. This Autumn and Winter,the shops are stocked with fluffy bedding,posh hot water bottles etc.

When I was a lad,right up to marriage,we had no central heating in parents house. Coal fire and electric radiators. Hot water bottles blah blah. No double glazing and damned cold Winters with ice inside! Winter now has its moments,but it’s nothing by comparison back then. Thinking back though,we were fine ,and even when it was Winter - just like here now - Mum opened windows! :lol:

We moved here 33 years ago into the cottage. We had gas heating, which was water heating too ,a gas fire and an open fire. We basically went to two gas fires to warm the rooms, and used the gas boiler to heat water. In a Winter we would only use the radiators when it was extremely cold ,for the kids. Generally though, I tested them twice a year and that was it! My wife and me found central heating to be rather oppressive to be frank. Up at her mums,we still do,and are glad of fresh air. Is anyone else like that?

So 25 years ago,I took the gas fires out ,and installed multi solid fuel . Best gig ever! Right now,the big un is ticking over. Even with the back door ajar for the cats ,the living room is 16 degrees now. Of course,I have my pyjamas,dress gown and socks on ,along with my thin Lycra hat for my poorly bald head. Absolutely fine and comfortable. Mrs J will be similar,and she will be opening the windows soon!

In 2016, our gas boiler packed up. Got the plumber in to replace it. It would have been the third in that time ,and fine. However,regulations on pipes etc etc had changed. We had been rewired the year before and undergone a big job. No way was my wife having that again. I won’t detail,but it was a big job. So I got Simon to take it all out. Had a digital ,stainless steel tank put in and the hot water is superb! Then we looked at electric heating. Now given that central heating was never a biggie, we got three lovely glass fronted ,remote control convection radiators that sit on two lounge and one bedroom. They look good. In the back bedroom is a German Infra Red radiator. It’s in front of wife’s sewing machine set - up ,and it is excellent! When she uses it though,as the stove below keeps that room very nice. We have another of those German jobs next to the settee in the living room. It actually looks like a big picture on the wall ,lovely roses, and chucks heat instantly if needed. Cannot remember when that was! As back up,we have two oil filled ones . Honestly? The radiators get used if chilly,and we don’t want to light a stove at that time,and certainly during that cold snap. Great.

On top of which,we don’t hold back - not in our way anyway - with electricity. Washer is on daily,this time of year the drier daily ,and I use bench saw regularly,. All the lighting ,screens etc are LED. But the costs are fairly ok at this point it appears.

Our simple ways,in the * modern * world seems to be the way some people are drifting back towards now. Indeed ,because my illness has absolutely crashed our income,that simplicity and what some consider ‘too tough’ is a good financial situation- and no different to what it always has been.

So temperature right now? Upstairs 13 degrees,as I just heard the windows being cracked open. The living room door is shut ,and stove still ticking ,and it’s 14.9 Degrees in here. Kitchen is dog and cat temperature as the door is open :lol: :lol: We are dressed perfectly and very comfortable. Up early as I am in hospital this morning,but when changed,we’ll just click on a radiator to stay comfortable before going out.

COST? Our average electricity bill is £110 a month. Of course we are getting a £66 knock off so the last one was £38. We have a gas cooker ,and that’s only about £60 a quarter! The other is solid fuel. At this moment,our wood NEVER costs. Never has. I have enough standing for two Winters . Smokeless coal’s the big un. It’s basically doubled. My current I bought last year.But I’ll work on this year. At peak we use 30 kg a week with the wood. The beauty of smokeless is that it’s very economical and ticks over wonderfully. £80 a month.So a few pence over £50 a week it appears. That’ll do. :D

Sorry to go on by the way. Have time on my hands! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What temperature do you have your house.

Post by Frnc »

Currently paying £118 a month for gas and electricity. Victorian terraced with mostly (60%) single glazing, solid walls. Front and back door both have single glazing plus wood. Our rooms are about 19.0 to 19.5°. Me plus two lodgers.

I have no solid fuel and don't have a car. I'm hoping for a decent rebate in January - in July I was £140 in credit. We just had an extreme cold spell, but I think December will still come in on target (under 61 kWh per day gas average). I'm still on fixed rates from Sept 2021. So, I expect my direct debit to go down, but we'll see. I'm not that bothered either way.

I've turned the trv up full in the living room where the thermostat is, and turned the bathroom one up a bit, so I may use slightly more gas. I was reluctant to as the living room isn't used much. The living room one went up because you're not supposed to have a trv in the room with the thermostat, and the bathroom one went up because I was getting radiator hammer (and mould). Lodger's been told not to turn his trv too low because of the radiator hammer possibility.

Thermostat is set to 17.5 for the first hour and evening, 17.0 during the day, 13 at night, ie off.
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Re: What temperature do you have your house.

Post by jennyjj01 »

Frnc wrote: Wed Dec 28, 2022 8:19 am I'm hoping for a decent rebate in January - in July I was £140 in credit. We just had an extreme cold spell, but I think December will still come in on target (under 61 kWh per day gas average). I'm still on fixed rates from Sept 2021. So, I expect my direct debit to go down, but we'll see. I'm not that bothered either way.
Thermostat is set to 17.5 for the first hour and evening, 17.0 during the day, 13 at night, ie off.
You're with EDF?

If you log in to the EDF website and view bill, you can see where you are currently in credit or debit.
https://my.edfenergy.com/myaccount/bills-payments Log in and 'Download my bill' Mine shows the situation as at 31 Oct

Don't expect them to sensibly reduce your direct debit. I've SLASHED my usage. I was already overpaying and in credit and they STILL wanted to increase my DD by 20%. But you can select your own DD amount and match it to your own anticipated usage.... At your own risk of under-shooting.

I've never had a squaring up rebate, but I believe you can request one if in credit.
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Re: What temperature do you have your house.

Post by grenfell »

I have posed this question on other forums and the responses are interesting.. Our living room is currently around 17-18 and there's no heating on at the moment . It went off around 10 last night and the woodburner was allowed to die down from slightly earlier. I haven't resorted to hats and coats yet and am here in a short sleeved shirt and still pretty comfortable. Coldest room is still the downstairs toilet which is off the garage and unheated and is sitting around 7 degrees. It can fall to just above freezing in really cold weather.
I was a little surprised with diamond lil having the house so warm. I was almost expecting something along the lines of " we don't put the heating on in Scotland till the flame on the candle freezes" sort of thing.
At the opposite end was a response from a guy who's home and that of his mother's have the thermostats set to 13 degrees and average around 8-14 degrees unless they are having a bath in which case it's raised to 17. Heating to 22 degrees seems far more common going by the , admittedly limited , number of responses.
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Re: What temperature do you have your house.

Post by diamond lil »

Grenfell I spent 30 years in the cold and want to have an easy life from now on. I had temps of minus 19, frozen coal, frozen propane, powercuts of a week at a time, and I don't bloody miss any of it now :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Re: What temperature do you have your house.

Post by grenfell »

Now that bit doesn't surprise me :D