Cash or card?

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Re: Cash or card?

Post by Frnc »

Arzosah wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 9:45 am I hardly use cash. In fact, the last time I used it was on holiday - Icelandic kroner. I buy online. I have plenty of cash at home, but I don't currently go into local shops, or travel to specialised shops. It is what it is. If our purchases are tracked right now, "they" know everything :lol:
Cash in Japan was a right pain, although Japan is regarded as a cash-based country. I soon had a big pile of little coins worth virtually nothing. Tip- take a coin purse. Fortunately they have Suica (and other types) cards you can buy, that you can top up, and these can be used on public transport, at vending machines, and in the konbinis (small supermarkets, which are everywhere, and excellent).

The weird thing is you have to use cash to top up a Suica card. So you get your notes from the ATM, then load some onto your Suica.
Last edited by Frnc on Sun Jan 15, 2023 5:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cash or card?

Post by Arzosah »

That's interesting about Japan! I doubt I'll go this year, at least, but with Iceland (and Greenland) there was nothing we **needed** - in the tiny little villages (100 people or so, some of them) we were trying to spend some money to support the local economy. So in one village shop in Greenland, I spent a tenner on a candle emblazoned with the Greenlandic flag, and in an Icelandic one, I bought cookie cutters in Icelandic shapes - a woman's hand axe, polar bears - stuff like that. I had to buy £400 of foreign currency to get a home delivery from the Post Office, and I was reimbursed for £283 :lol: :lol: :lol: I'm out of the habit of buying what we used to call "tut" :D
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Re: Cash or card?

Post by bobble »

I draw cash out if the bank each week and do the weekly shop with cash. I also have a 'calamity' box, a 'dead' box (burial fund) 'purse' fund, a 'farm' box (vets bills) an 'egg' box (money from egg sales) and a 'news' box where i put £1 70 a week if i don't buy a paper! I also have credit cards and use them a couple of times in the year to keep the accounts active (pay it off straight away+ keep a positive credit score!). When ive been shopping, i put any spare loose change in a tub and pay it in to the bank every few months.
I think that using cash keeps people in a job, shop assustants counting it, giving change, bagging it up, paying it into the banks, bank cashiers to count and weigh it etc etc.
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Re: Cash or card?

Post by rik_uk3 »

Wife and I are cashless 99% of the time, have been for about three years now. I keep some cash in the cars for emergency use and keep £100 in an envelope at home but we don't use cash, even our window cleaner prefers bank transfer and the taxi we use for getting to and from the pub now takes cards.

The UK is pretty much the No1 country in the EU for cashless transactions and I don't miss cash. Remember if the internet fails supermarket till systems would fail, wouldn't be able to scan your shopping or take cash so your stuffed either way...but we all have food at home ;)
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Re: Cash or card?

Post by pseudonym »

rik_uk3 wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 8:20 pm Snip> Remember if the internet fails supermarket till systems would fail, wouldn't be able to scan your shopping or take cash so your stuffed either way...
My corner shop would, maybe independent shops too?
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Re: Cash or card?

Post by Bijela »

I use the phone for most shopping. Everything is in the banking app. You get pie charts and stuff so you can see all types of spending. Plus, it send me a message if money goes in or out for the 3 main accounts.

As for maned tills, days of little part time retirement job on the tills will likely be a thing of the past for anyone new.
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Re: Cash or card?

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

Bijela wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 11:16 am I use the phone for most shopping. Everything is in the banking app. You get pie charts and stuff so you can see all types of spending. Plus, it send me a message if money goes in or out for the 3 main accounts.

As for maned tills, days of little part time retirement job on the tills will likely be a thing of the past for anyone new.

Must admit my new phone does the tap and go jobbie I think in some respects it's more secure than a contactless card as you need to unlock the phone for it to work be it finger print / face recognition/ phone pin number.. where as the bog standard contactless card only prompts every so often to stick it in and put in a pin on the pos terminal...

But guessing you need a phone signal for it to work woman in Lidl in front of me had a nightmare trying to get a payment to work on her phone and resorted to running outside then back in once her phone had a signal :lol:
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Re: Cash or card?

Post by jansman »

CashLESS is certainly more dominant these days,even by looking at the responses here. A week ago ,I had to have a local locksmith come and sort our upvc door. It was a good job,as it was fix or replace. Payment? Cash or card. He did say he rarely saw cash,but we did pay that way. He gave us 10% discount as a result! :D
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Re: Cash or card?

Post by Ara »

For small amounts I use cash but for larger amounts I usually use a card. There's a greengrocer near my sons' house which still prefers cash and the woman in front of me ran into trouble because she wanted to pay by card. They had to go to the shop next door to use their card reader.
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Re: Cash or card?

Post by Vitamin c »

3 plus years ago while delivering in London I used a new lidl ...
It had no tills
Just the DIY type they can already do it but just how many jobs in different industries would go with automation.

More than the economy could cope with.
Fill er up jacko...